Participants at the recent UN pledge conference for hurricane affected nations.

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Tues. Nov. 28, 2017: The UN estimates the cost of recovery at more than $5 billion in Dominica, Barbuda, and the British Virgin Islands alone but last week just 14 top donors pledged a million dollars and up to the hurricane ravaged region to bring the total to date to just US $1.35 billion. When the money will get to these nations is another story but here are the top 14 donors:

1: The Netherlands – US $702 million

2: The EU = US $352 million

3: The World Bank – US $140 million

4: Canada – US $78 million

5: China – US $30 million

6: Mexico – US $27 million

7: Italy – US $12 million

8: USA – US $4.3 million

9: Japan – US $4 million

10: India – US $2 million

11: Belgium – US $ 1.2 million

12: Kuwait – US $1 million

13: Venezuela – US $1 million

14: Chile -US $1 million

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