A group of Cuban migrants recently nabbed south of Key West, FL.

By NAN Staff Writer

News Americas, MIAMI, FL, Fri. Nov. 6, 2015: In just six week, over 300 Cuban migrants have been sent packing out of the U.S. despite a clear thaw in US-Cuba relations.

The U.S. Coast Guard in Miami have had their hands full with Cubans attempting to illegally enter the United States on unseaworthy vessels called “rustics” or “chugs” as they seek to take advantage of the US ‘wet foot, dry land policy.’

The latest batch to be repatriated totaled 43. The migrants were returned to Bahia de Cabañas, Cuba, Wednesday, November 4th by U.S. Coast Guards.

Two days earlier, on November 2nd, a whopping 85 were returned to Cuban soil. The November illegally immigrant attempts come as 194 were returned over the course of four weeks in October.

“U.S. immigration policies have not changed and we urge people not to take to the ocean in  unseaworthy vessels. It is illegal and extremely dangerous,” said Capt. Mark Fedor, the chief of response for the Coast Guard’s 7th District. “When migrants are interdicted at sea, they will be returned to their country of origin.”

In fiscal year 2015, 4,462 Cuban migrants attempted to illegally migrate to the U.S. via the sea.

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