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Peru’s Choices Between A New Deep-Water Port And Used Metro Cars

By Vijay Prashad News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Weds. Nov. 27, 2024: Between November 15 and 16, 2024, the government of Peru hosted the Asia-Pacific...
chile-Daniel Jadue

The Strange Case of the Persecution of Daniel Jadue

By Vijay Prashad News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Tues. Sept. 10, 2024: Daniel Jadue, the former mayor of Recoleta, a part of Santiago, Chile, opens...

Starvation Is A War Crime: Note From The Israeli Genocide Against The Palestinians

By Vijay Prashad News Americas, ROME, ITALY, Thurs. March 14, 2024: Speaking in Rome, Italy, the head of the United Nations World Food Program Cindy...

The Remarkable Decline In The Global North’s Leadership

By Vijay Prashad News Americas, PARIS, France, Weds. March 13, 2024: A group of young people in Paris are enjoying a drink in a café...

The International Court of Justice Censures Israel for Its Genocidal War

By Vijay Prashad On January 26, 2024, the judges at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) released their 29-page order that found “plausible” (paragraph 54)...

ExxonMobil And A Possible War In South America

By Vijay Prashad News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Mon. Dec. 4, 2023: On December 3, 2023, a large number of registered voters in Venezuela voted in...

Provocations by the U.S. State Department Can Chill Press Freedom in Latin America

By Vijay Prashad News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Thurs. Nov. 15, 2023: The headline is provocative: “The Kremlin’s Efforts to Covertly Spread Disinformation in Latin...

The Savagery Of The War Against The Palestinian People

By Vijay Prashad News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Tues. Oct. 10, 2023: Who knows how many Palestinian civilians will be killed by the time this...

A Brutal Colonial Legacy Is Tinder For The Fires That Are Sweeping Across France

By Vijay Prashad News Americas, PARIS, France, Thurs. July 6, 2023: On Saturday, July 1, 2023, a large crowd gathered inside and around the Ibn...

Did The U.S. Egg on the Coup in Peru?

By Vijay Prashad and José Carlos Llerena Robles News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Weds. Dec. 14, 2022: On December 7, 2022, Pedro Castillo sat in...

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