News Americas, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, Tues. Mar. 13, 2018: A 15-year-old Caribbean roots high school teen has secured a golden ticket to Hollywood for this year’s American Idol competition.

Alyssa Raghu, a Saint Cloud, Florida, High School sophomore, whose father was born in the South American CARICOM nation of Guyana, thrilled season sixteen Idol judges, Katy Perry, Luke Bryan, and Lionel Richie during the show’s premiere on Sunday night, March 11th.

The Lake Nona High Schooler belted out Ariana Grande’s “Almost Is Never Enough,” which left Bryan high fiving Richie and Perry stating: “My full body felt what you were signing so I’m a believer in you… You’re top 10.”


“This has always been my dream. Anything that has to do with performance arts, I have been involved in,” Raghu was quoted as saying.

The Orlando resident has been working hard up until this Idol moment. In April, the high school student played Nina Rosario in a production of Lin-Manuel Miranda’s “In the Heights,” and released her first original song “Leave” in August, according to

Her dad, Hansraj Raghunandan, whom she calls her “best friend forever,” is owner of World Automotive Services, Inc. He was extremely excited at the news that she had secured a spot on the show.


Her parents are divorced, and she lives with her dad but says her mother is very much in her life.

See her performance here:

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