
News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Dec. 13, 2019: News Americas, the daily Caribbean and Latin America news portal, has been named among the Top 35 Best ‘Latin America Blogs’ for 2019.

Expertido, which reviews sites and products annually, listed News Americas at 31 out of 35, higher than NPR.org’s coverage of Latin America.

Expertido looked at over 144 blogs and decided on 36 based on a number of factor including: “Is it easy to read, with proper spelling and language use?; Is the interface clean and user-friendly?; What kind of ads are on the site? And What is their social media presence like?” among other factors.

News Americas Now is part of the NAN News Network covering the Americas  – the Caribbean and Latin America and their Diasporas, with syndication on Google News, Apple News, across 21 plus news sites including on the Caribbean Today in Florida, on Irie Jam radio in NYC and on Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Linked In.

It was founded by Felicia J. Persaud and is owned by Hard Beat Communications, a global media company with over a decade of experience on the Caribbean, Caribbean Diaspora and Latin American markets. 

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