News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Mon. Feb. 1, 2021: Barbados’ COVID-19 death toll is now at 14 after the island recorded two deaths within an hour of each other Sunday.

Both deceased were patients of the Harrison Point Isolation Facility for a few days. The two Barbadians, a 55-year-old male and a 64-year-old female, died on Sunday morning.

Infectious Diseases Specialist and the Consultant in Charge of Harrison Point, Dr. Corey Forde, said both patients suffered from pre-existing, chronic non-communicable diseases. They had also both experienced shortness of breath for days before seeking medical help at the Accident and Emergency Department of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital.

Dr. Forde called on Barbadians not to self-diagnose or ignore signs such as fatigue; headaches; persistent sinus drips; flu-like symptoms; headaches; loss of taste or smell; and changes in breathing, either rapid breathing or shortness of breath. He stressed that any one of these symptoms, or any combination of them, could be a sign of COVID-19 infection.

The doctor pointed out that persons with chronic non-communicable diseases were particularly vulnerable to complications of COVID-19. He stressed that within households and family settings, persons with these conditions should be closely monitored.

Minister of Health and Wellness Jeffrey Bostic extended condolences to the grieving families. He also commended Dr. Forde and the entire team at Harrison Point for their efforts in what he described as, “two difficult cases.”

He joined Dr. Forde in urging Barbadians not to delay, but to seek immediate help for themselves or their loved ones when they start to feel sick.

Barbados has 1,545 COVID-19 cases currently.

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