News Americas, KINGSTOWN, SVG, Thurs. July 20, 2023: St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister, Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, has issued a strong message of resolve and determination following the tragic shooting incident in Kingstown that claimed the lives of five individuals.

In a video message from Morocco, Gonsalves expressed his deep condolences to the families affected by the senseless violence and assured the nation that every effort will be made to bring the perpetrators to justice.

Describing the incident as a terrible tragedy, Prime Minister Gonsalves called for calm and unity among the people of St Vincent and the Grenadines. He emphasized the importance of resolute action against criminals and highlighted that additional measures are being taken to address the situation, though he could not disclose specific details for tactical and operational reasons.

Gonsalves urged the community to assist the police by providing any relevant information they may have. He reassured the public that law enforcement agencies, including the police, border control officials, customs, and immigration, are on high alert and working diligently to ensure the safety and security of the nation.

The Prime Minister acknowledged that the police have obtained certain leads and expressed confidence that, in the coming days, a clearer picture will emerge regarding the individuals responsible for the tragic incident. He stressed that the government is fully committed to uncovering the truth and holding those accountable for their actions.

Addressing the issue of firearms and potential external influences, Gonsalves expressed concern about the proliferation of guns and their easy access, particularly from the United States. He vowed to thoroughly investigate any possible external involvements and stressed the need for calm and unity in the face of these challenges.

Prime Minister Gonsalves concluded by affirming that such acts of violence can only lead to grief and urged young males involved in such activities to consider the inevitable consequences. He reiterated his determination to bring both the perpetrators and anyone connected to the planning and orchestration of the killings to justice.

In this difficult time, the Prime Minister called upon the nation to stand together, support one another, and remain vigilant against criminal activities. The government will continue to prioritize the safety and well-being of its citizens and work tirelessly to ensure a peaceful and secure environment for all.

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