News Americas, MIAMI, FL, Fri. Mar. 23, 2018: Three South Florida Haitians have joined seven New York-based Haitian immigrants as well as a Haitian newspaper and a local advocacy group in suing the Donald Trump administration.

In a federal lawsuit filed last Thursday in the Eastern District of New York, the plaintiffs argue that Trump and the Department of Homeland Security “employed an invalid and unauthorized process to terminate Haiti’s TPS (Temporary Protected Status) designation irrespective of the statutory criteria for review enacted by Congress.”


The plaintiffs include the weekly Brooklyn-based Haitian newspaper, Haïti Liberté and Miami-based Haitian rights advocacy group, Family Action Network Movement, or FANM, an organization previously known as the Haitian Women of Miami.

The federal complaint is the fourth TPS-related suit filed against Trump and Homeland Security, which last year rescinded the temporary protected status for citizens of Sudan, Nicaragua, Haiti and El Salvador after granting them a final 18-month extension.

A similar suit was also filed in San Francisco by the American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Southern California, the National Day Laborer Organizing Network and the law firm of Sidley Austin last week. Other suits have been filed in federal court in Boston on behalf of Salvadorans and Haitians with TPS, and in Maryland by the NAACP Legal Defense.





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