News Americas, KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, Mon. May 3, 2021: It’s been 10 days since the La Soufrière volcano in St. Vincent erupted explosively. But the devastation from multiple explosive eruptions and earthquakes has taken its toll on residents from areas in the orange and red zones of the country, as well as the domestic animals who were abandoned are now left scrounging for food and a way to survive, especially in the Sandy Bay area that is in the red zone, and is one of the areas hardest hit by the disaster that begun on April 9, 2021.

Here are some of the many images of animals displaced as well by the volcano, as captured in Sandy Bay and Chateaubelair, St. Vincent, by News Americas News Network crew on the ground covering the disaster and its photographer, Seymour Hinds.

A dog sites among the ruins of a collapsed shed in Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( Hinds)
Dogs kill and eat a chicken as they try to survive in Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( Hinds)
A dog stays on guard in front of a damaged and desolate house in Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( Hinds)
A starving cow tries to find grass amid the ash covered area of Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( Hinds)
A hungry dog eats a broken dried coconut to survive in Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
An injured dog still wearing a collar in the ruins of Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( Hinds)
A lost cow in Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( Hinds)
A dog eyes a cat in the ruins of Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( Hinds)
A stunned dog tries to find food amid the ash and destruction in Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( Hinds)
A puppy scrounges around in the dry river area of SVG. ( image)
Goats try to find food amid the ash all around in Chateaubelair, St. Vincent. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
A pig and her young family of piglets forage for food in the ash in Chateaubelair, St. Vincent. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
A man feeds scraps to hungry dogs in Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( Hinds)
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