News Americas, KINGSTOWN, St. Vincent, Mon. May 3, 2021: Lahars or mudflows and landslides triggered by the La Soufrière volcano and earthquakes that went with it in St. Vincent and the Grenadines are adding to the woes of persons who have been most impacted by the explosive eruptions that begun on April 9th and last occurred on April 22nd.

Among the areas most impacted are Sandy Bay as well as Buccament Bay and Chateaubelair, where foundations and roofs of homes have collapsed, huge boulders and broken uprooted trees have made their way into ash covered areas as residents are forced into schools serving as shelters and animals are wandering around hungry.

News Americas News Network is in St. Vincent along with executives of Invest Caribbean + The Ritzury Group, covering the impact of the devastation which has displaced over 13,000. Today, we spotlight on some of the victims of the La Soufrière volcano.

A man tries to clean up in Sandy Bay, St. Vincent. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
This Sandy Bay resident stayed put despite an evacuation order and lived through the eruption. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
Mr. Elvis Brackin shared his loss with the NAAN crew. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
These Sandy Bay resident are returning to check on their property and clean up. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
Wendell Roberts walked miles to return to check on his home in Sandy Bay and was given a ride there in the final stretch by the NAAN crew. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
Farmer Patricia Robertson wipes away tears sharing her loss as she seeks shelter now in Buccament Bay High School, St. vincent. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
The mother of farmer Valmay Robertson sits in despair with some produce at a Buccament shelter in St. Vincent. She lived through the 1979 volcano eruption as well. ( Hinds image)
Farmer Valmay Robertson, is devastated at the loss from the volcano as she seeks shelter now in Buccament Bay High School. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
A resident shares her grief over the volcanic devastation in Chateaubelair, St. Vincent. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
The manager of the Buccament Bay Secondary School shelter, Ronen Francis, at the shelter on April 29, 2021. Francis is dependent on NEMO to help the 118 people there and also has used up the cash his school had available in its budget to keep helping. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
A man walks down an ash covered, desolate road in Chateaubelair, St. Vincent. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
A farmer with an ash covered breadfruit in St. Vincent. ( image/Seymour Hinds)
A dog eyes the fish caught by this man for a meal on April 29, 2021 in Chateaubelair, SVG. ( Hinds image)

The Saint Vincent Volcano Disaster Relief GoFundMe by Invest Caribbean and The Ritzury Group is raising immediate funds to satisfy urgent needs, while medium term, the two agencies plan to use ongoing donations to focus on bigger issues like housing, relocation, clean-up efforts, and humanitarian aid. Long-term relief will take the form of financial aid for families still in SVG, care of elderly, care of students and access to continuing education.

Anyone can donate to this emergency effort now at the Saint Vincent Volcano Disaster Relief on GoFundMe or

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