NEWS AMERICAS, NEW YORK, NY, Weds. Aug. 12, 2020: Trinidad and Tobago’s opposition leader Kamla Persad Bissessar of the United National Congress (UNC) is calling for a recount in five constituencies despite Prime Minister Keith Rowley’s declaration of victory Monday night in the 2020 general elections.

This means the Elections and Boundaries Commission cannot submit its official results to the Office of the President to allow the swearing-in of a new People’s National Movement (PNM) administration and the incumbents will remain in office until then.

Rowley, of the People’s National Movement (PNM), declared a win at 10:30 p.m. Monday night even though votes were still being counted and the Elections and Boundaries Commission had not released official results.

Persad Bissessar’s party wants a recount in five seats – San Fernando West, Toco/Sangre Grande, La Horquetta/Talparo, St Joseph and Tunapuna – hours after Rowley declared a win Monday night saying his party won the majority of 22 seats out of 41 seats in the House of Representatives based on a partial count of Monday’s vote.

Persad Bissessar’s UNC won 19 seats, one more than they did in the last elections.

Rowley fired back that the UNC is trying to “Guyana-ize” the Trinidad and Tobago general election.

The Elections and Boundaries Commission said recounts of the ballots in six districts were to begin at 3:00 p.m. Tuesday.

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