News Americas, LONDON, England, Fri. Sept. 18, 2020: Queen Elizabeth, II, has responded after Barbados’ Governor-General announced on Tuesday, the country’s intention to ditch her as its head of state.

Buckingham Palace said Barbados’ intention to remove the Queen as head of state and become a republic is a “matter” for the Caribbean nation. Asked to comment on the Commonwealth country’s plans a palace spokesman said: “This is a matter for the government and people of Barbados.”

Barbadians’ intention to sever their ties with the Crown were laid bare Tuesday by the country’s Governor-General Dame Sandra Mason. With a statement, the Governor-General announced the Caribbean island wants to ditch the Queen as head of state by next year.

Reading a speech written by Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley, Dame Sandra said: “The time has come to fully leave our colonial past behind. This is the ultimate statement of confidence in who we are and what we are capable of achieving. Hence, Barbados will take the next logical step toward full sovereignty and become a republic by the time we celebrate our 55th anniversary of Independence.”

This speech appeared to have been inspired by the country’s first Prime Minister Errol Barrow’s warning against “loitering on colonial premises.”

The Governor-General is appointed by the monarch and represents the Queen in the country.

Many political leaders in Barbados have been exploring the path to republicanism over the past decades.

In 1998, a Barbados Constitutional review commission recommended the country to become a republic.Barbados became independent in 1966 but retained the Queen as its head of state.

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