Green-Banana-SaladBy Minna LaFortune

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Oct. 27, 2017: As we approach the end of October, our minds turn to November and the festive feasting seasons.

In November we will celebrate Thanksgiving and for Thanksgiving, us chefs and cooks in the Caribbean Diaspora are always looking for ways to bring various Caribbean flavors to the various feasts we will be catering.
This week I would like to recommend a nutritious Green Banana Salad. This salad can be used as a side dish or the main starch in any entree. Following is the recipe.

I dozen green bananas
2 large sweet (red and green)peppers
1 med. sized onion
1/2 cup chopped stuffed green olives
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/4 tsp. black pepper
4 chopped hard boiled eggs
Dash of salt

Peel the green bananas andĀ  put them into pot of boiling water.

Add salt to taste.

CookĀ Green Bananas until fork tender.
Chop and sautĆ©Ā the onion and peppers into 1/4 coconut oil.

Add chopped stuffed green olives.

Remove from flame and place chopped sautƩed ingredients into a large bowl.

Cut theĀ green bananas into 1/4 inch thickness.

Add banana to into the bowl.

Add vinegar, 1/4 cup coconutĀ oil and black pepper.

CombineĀ all ingredients well.

Serve with steak, roasted turkey, stewed chicken, stewed turkey, curried goat etc.

Serves 6.

Bon Appetite

minna-la-fortuneEDITORā€™S NOTE:Ā Minna LaFortune is a trained Caribbean caterer and also president of theĀ  Society for the Advancement of the Caribbean Diaspora (SACD). Check out her food group on Facebook atĀĀ scaribbean/

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