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Home Caribbean News 24/7 Cuba Cubans Can Now Buy New Cars

Cubans Can Now Buy New Cars

News Americas, HAVANA, Cuba, Thurs. Sept. 29, 2011: Cubans in Cuba can now buy new cars.

A 50-year-old ban on new car sales has been eased by the Cuban government allowing for Cubans who earn dollars or convertible pesos because they are working for the government or “in positions of benefit to the government” to buy new cars, as long as they get a permit from the transport ministry.

Foreigners residing in Cuba can also buy new cars at approved dealerships or import them from abroad, but they are limited to two purchases for the duration of their stay.
The rule also allows for tens of thousands of Cubans who were allowed to buy Soviet-made cars to now sell them freely to other individuals.

President Raul Castro has been enacting limited free-market reforms since taking the reins of power from his brother Fidel in 2008.

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