Donald Trump addressing Haitians in Little Haiti on Sept. 16, 2016. (Facebook image)

By NAN Contributor

News Americas, MIAMI, Fl, Thurs. Nov. 17, 2016: While many are still mourning and protesting the election results of Nov. 8th, at least one Haitian immigrant is celebrating the Donald Trump win.

Dimitry Romulus, founder and leader of the controversial group, Haitians For Donald Trump, says the Nov. 9th victory of the Republican Presidential candidate is a win for Haiti too.

“President Donald Trump may have won this election but to many of us in the Haitian community, it feels like it was Haiti that won,” Romulus posted on the group’s Facebook page recently, while adding that the Republic of Haiti stood one last time against the Clintons to “make sure enough – crooked Hillary was defeated.”

Romulus, who in 2013 ran for Mayor of Léogâne, Haiti, thanked the many fellow Haitian-Americans or “Pa pè chay,” as he termed them, who he said stood firm despite the many “adversities” against the Clintons, in showing their support for Trump.

“I know personally what it feels like to be chastised by your friends and family for standing up against the Clintons and more so, for supporting Donald J. Trump … it wasn’t easy, believe me, I know,” the Haitian-American who has served in the US military and spends winters in Haiti added.

But Romulus said those who stood with Trump were “aware that the greater threat to the Haitian Community and to the rest of the free world was none other than Hillary Clinton and her legion of crooks, whom for many decades have operated with impunity throughout the globe, especially in Haiti.”

The man who lost his own business – a barbecue restaurant in the centre of Leogane – in the 2010 Haiti earthquake and only works for the half-year he spends in the US. – urged other Haitian-Americans to now strive to move forward in a new direction and to leave the partisanship quarrels and dissensions behind and unite for an even greater cause.

“Let’s band together as Haitian-Americans to bring out the very best of us, while America has begun it phase of becoming great, let us also work tirelessly to make Haiti great again. God bless America and the Republic of Haiti,” Romulus added.

His comments come as the data shows many of South Florida’s 150,000 Haitian-American voters came out for Trump on election Day, Nov. 8th and in early voting leading up to the election.

So the question now is what will Trump deliver for Haiti?

A research and media organization based in Montreal  calling itself the Global Research Center for Research on Globalization, this week suggested six ways Trump can assist Haiti including “diplomatically in its efforts to recover damages from the United Nations for the cholera epidemic.”

Other ideas the Center suggests include adopting a policy of non-interference in Haitian elections; ending without delay the UN military occupation of Haiti; stopping US agricultural subsidies for rice farmers; firing and replacing all State Department and USAID personnel for Haiti from the Clinton or Obama administrations and surprisingly, bringing “former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton to justice.”

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