By Felicia J. Persaud

News Americas, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL, Fri. Jan. 28, 2022: The latest data from Pew Research Center’s analysis of 2019 U.S. Census Bureau data, makes a bold prediction about Black immigrants in the US.

According to the study, roughly 4.6 million, or one-in-ten, Black people in the U.S. were born in a different country as of 2019, up from 3% in 1980. But the shocking forecast by the Census is that by 2060, that number could increase to 9.5 million, or more than double the current level.

Further, the Black immigrant population is also projected to outpace the U.S.-born Black population in growth. While both groups are increasing in number, the foreign-born population is projected to grow by 90% between 2020 and 2060, while the U.S.-born population is expected to grow 29% over the same time span.

Think about both facts for a second. Then listen. Can you hear the sound of fear rising in the right-wing ranks at the blackening of America? It’s terrifying for the Trumpetos of the world and their oaf like followers.

It is so frightening that the GOP and their supporters are working overtime to tamp down on what they see as the taking over of “their country.”

Why do you think their leaders across the country are working so hard to take away the voting rights of Black voters? Why do you think their leaders in D.C. refused to vote for The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 and blocked the Act from advancing when the Senate took a procedural vote on whether to open debate on the legislation?

It is fear that is driving this new attempt at Jim Crowism. It is fear of the growing black population in America, fueled by Black immigrants from Africa, the Caribbean and Central and South America. It is fear of losing control of “their country.”

It is why they strive so hard to tamp down on immigration to the US and to use the hot button issue to enflame their base. To prevent the 2060 prediction from becoming a reality. It is why they tried so hard to not count immigrants and ensure they scared off the undocumented from counting in the 2020 census.

This fear is manifesting across the country as race hate. Recently in New York, Liz Edelkind, who migrated here from the Dominican Republic, and her husband and son, were verbally abused by a White Long Island couple on a New York Long Island Railroad train.

Edelkind was traveling on the train with her husband, 10-year-old son and two others, when the couple – later identified as Justin Likerman, of Ronkonoma, and Kristin Digesaro, of Huntington threw a beer at the family and screamed: “Look straight! Don’t f***ing look at me! I’m going to get arrested tonight!’ ‘I know it’s not worth it, but these f***ing foreigners are taking over my f***ing country!”

The two have since been arrested and are facing charges of aggravated harassment as a hate crime and child endangerment. Additionally, the pair were fired from their positions at Empire Toyota of Huntington after the dealership was made aware of the incident.

This was a good ending to an ugly situation, but it is fear manifesting as hate at the fact that Black immigrants are helping Black America become a force to be reckoned with, and many want to ensure there are put back in their “place” or “go back where they come from.”

Neither is going to happen, so “oaf keepers,” prepare for the beautiful darkening of America and 2060.

The writer is publisher of NewsAmericasNow

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