Workers in Jamaica pulling the switch on the hybrid renewable energy project that’s being billed as ‘the world’s largest.”

News Americas, KINGSTON, JAMAICA, Fri. July 18, 2014: A hybrid renewable energy project that’s being billed as ‘the world’s largest” has been commissioned on the rooftop of the prominent law firm, Myers, Fletcher & Gordon (MFG) in Kingston, Jamaica.

Developed by WindStream Technologies, a leader in the small wind sector, this landmark urban installation consists of 50 WindStream SolarMill units to harness available wind and solar resources. The installation is designed to generate over 106,000 kWh of renewable energy annually, (25kW of wind and 55kW of solar) with a return on investment (ROI) of less than four years. Over the course of the projected 25-year life span, the energy cost savings are expected to exceed $2 million. WindStream competed for and was awarded the project for its ability to maximize energy production and ROI within the confines of limited roof space.

“We have been at the forefront of the Jamaican legal landscape for 70 years and we are pleased to be continuing that trend by leading in Jamaican sustainability and renewable energy,” said Donovan Cunningham, COO of Myers Fletcher & Gordon. “This was a bold undertaking and we expect to reap rich rewards through our partnership with WindStream.”
The MFG SolarMill installation is a part of a larger effort by Jamaica Public Service (JPS) to provide greater access to renewable energy solutions in a country where the cost of energy is over three times the US average. JPS and WindStream also collaborated with Eaton Houghton of Caribbean ESCO as the Caribbean’s lead energy efficiency auditor for the project.

“We are proud to be working with JPS, which is distributing our products within Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean,” said Travis Campbell, COO of WindStream Technologies. “This SolarMill installation is an excellent model for other businesses to follow. If you are interested in energy efficiency and saving money, SolarMills are a simple, cost-effective solution.”

The SolarMill is a new distributed energy technology consisting of Vertical Axis Wind Turbines (VAWT), solar panels and proprietary “smart” electronics. The energy generated by each SolarMill can either be used off grid with a storage system or inverted for use in grid-tied applications. Occupying the roof space about the size of a solar panel, each SolarMill provides the highest energy density currently available in the renewable market. Made in the USA, WindStream recently opened an office in Hyderabad, India, and secured distribution agreements in Turkey, Ghana, Liberia, New Zealand, and Tanzania. Currently, WindStream products generate power on five continents around the world.

Founded in 2008, WindStream Technologies, a public company (OTCQB: WSTI), is headquartered in North Vernon, Indiana. WindStream Technologies was established to create low-cost hybrid, renewable energy solutions for urban, suburban, and on and off-grid environments. Made in the USA, its patented SolarMill® technology is a distributed energy solution, which produces continuous renewable energy for customers 24/7, 365 days per year.


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