News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Mon. Mar. 16, 2020: The number of COVID-19 cases in Latin America continues to grow with the latest News Americas analysis showing 628 cases as of our deadline last night.

Brazil continues to lead the region with a whopping 200 confirmed cases. Of that number, 49 new cases were reported yesterday.

Chile has the second highest number of cases with 75. Here’s where the rest of Latin America stands

Peru – 71

Argentina – 46  

Panama – 43

Mexico – 43

Ecuador – 37

Costa Rica – 35

Colombia – 34

Venezuela – 17

Bolivia – 10

Paraguay – 7

Uruguay – 6

Honduras – 3

Guatemala – 1

Globally, there are now 169,533 cases and 6,515 deaths.

The news comes as UN Secretary General António Guterres said in an op ed that:COVID-19 is our common enemy.  We must declare war on this virus.  That means countries have a responsibility to gear up, step up and scale up.”

He also said United Nations economists estimate that the virus could cost the global economy at least $1 trillion this year – and perhaps far more.

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