News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., April 7, 2021: The US State Department on Tuesday banned a Paraguayan politician and his wife from entering the country.

US State Department secretary, Antony J. Blinken, announced the public designation of a Representative in the Chamber of Deputies of Paraguay, Ulises Rolando Quintana Maldonado, “due to his involvement in significant corruption.”

Blinken said in a statement that “during his time as a representative, Mr. Quintana engaged in acts that facilitated transnational organized crime, undermined the rule of law, and obstructed the public’s faith in Paraguay’s public processes.” The appointment is for life and affects the deputy of the Republican National Association for the ruling Colorado Añetete movement.

In addition to the designation of Quintana, the ban was extended to his wife, Mirtha Beatriz Esperanza Fariña Velausteguiz. 

“The United States continues to stand with the people of Paraguay in their fight against corruption and to hold their elected leaders accountable,” Secretary Blinken added. “This designation reaffirms the U.S. commitment to combating corruption in Paraguay, the tri-border region, and globally.”

Quintana was twice imprisoned in the framework of his relationship with the alleged drug dealer Reinaldo “Cucho” Cabaña and regained his seat in the Chamber of Deputies in November 2020. Currently, he has ambulatory freedom and is a pre-candidate for mayor of Ciudad del Este, Alto Paraná, for the Concordia Colorada movement.

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