News Americas, LOS ANGELES, CA, Tues. July 26, 2011: Get ready to see the 70-day saga of several Chilean miners reenacted on the silver screen.

Hollywood producer Mike Medavoy and Edward McGurn, the vice president of Phoenix Pictures, using the recently created Half Circle production company.

Filming of the story of the 33 miners is expected to commence sometime in 2012.

“At its heart, this is a story about the triumph of the human spirit and a testament to the courage and perseverance of the Chilean people,” said p Medavoy in a statement. “I can’t think of a better story than this one to bring to the screen.”

The film’s screenplay will be written by Jose Rivera, who worked on “The Motorcycle Diaries.”

On August 5, 2010, a significant mine cave-in at the troubled 121-year-old San José copper trapped the thirty-three mine workers deep in the Atacama Desert, in northern Chile, South America.

The men, who became known as “Los 33,” were trapped 700 meters underground and about 5 kilometers but subsequently survived for a record 70 days deep underground before their rescue.

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