Madonna at the the magnificent hospital Paul Farmer built in Mirebalais, Haiti. (Instagram image)
News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Nov. 29, 2013: Multiple Grammy singer and actress Madonna took to Instagram this week to chronicle her trip to Haiti.

Madonna was in Haiti at the invitation of her ex-husband, Sean Penn, whose J/P Haitian Relief Organization in the Caribbean island has been focused on housing and relocating thousands of people from impromptu settlements that formed after the disaster.

Penn, 53 has served as an ambassador-at-large for Haiti since early 2012, after founding his humanitarian group in the aftermath of the earthquake in 2010.

Madonna and Penn were joined by her son Rocco, 13, for the charity trip to Haiti.

She posted many photos of Haitian children on her Instagram account, including several of girls with a note that “They have style.”
Her photo with hospital staffers at the hospital Paul Farmer built in Mirebalais was also posted.

Penn revealed that he had invited his ex-wife, who has previously donated $250,000 to the relief effort, and that they have ‘maintained a great friendship over the years.’

‘She’s here, she’s seeing, she’s made the effort to come here, and I’m thrilled by that… She has a unique platform, and wherever she chooses to bring that to, it’s very well,’ Penn added.

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