News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Tues. April 9, 2024: The Organization of American States, (OAS), has issued a stern condemnation of the Venezuelan regime’s endorsement of the so-called “Law for the Defense of Essequibo.”

The General Secretariat of the OAS, known for its dedication to fostering peace and security across the Americas, expressed strong disapproval of this move, citing its blatant disregard for fundamental principles of international law and its further indication of Venezuela’s dictatorial tendencies.

The approval of the “Law for the Defense of Essequibo” comes in the wake of another controversial piece of legislation passed by the Venezuelan regime, namely a fascist-inspired “law” aimed at combatting “fascism, neo-fascism, and similar expressions.” These actions, according to the OAS, evoke dark chapters in history characterized by forcible annexations, military aggression, and widespread devastation.

The OAS emphasized that regional peace and security are at stake if the Venezuelan regime continues to pursue such dangerous objectives. The organization underscored the condemnation of aggression, threats of aggression, unilateral actions to resolve bilateral disputes, and breaches of existing arbitration awards as laid out in international law. Additionally, it called upon the global community to denounce any form of belligerent behavior or intimidation tactics employed by nations and international actors. The OAS also commended Guyana for accepting the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in this matter, seeing it as a positive step toward peaceful resolution.

The Venezuelan regime’s recent actions, including attempts to annex a portion of the territory of the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, have been deemed as violations of international law and unacceptable by the OAS. Furthermore, these actions are seen as direct threats to the Chavista legacy of fostering peaceful relations with CARICOM member states and undermining Guyana’s ability to develop its natural resources in a peaceful manner, the OAS said.

The organization characterized the “Law for the Defense of Essequibo” as not only an external threat but also a tool for internal repression, marking a concerning turn of events in Venezuela’s political landscape. The organization warned that such legislation poses a risk not only to Guyana’s security but also to the peace and security of the entire hemisphere.

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