By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Sept. 13, 2013: The one good part of Barack Obama is looking past him.

While Obama goes through the motions of being President the next three years, flying here there and everywhere, then doing it again; the rest of us should contemplate life after Obama and someone else as President.

How about a REAL President for a REAL change?

No, not Hillary Clinton! Please God not Hillary Clinton!

That is the worst scenario of all. Hillary is just another Washington insider who plays the “change” game just like Obama and her husband earlier. They are all part of the Permanent Ruling Class in America that transcends so called ideologies and party lines. All the constant squabbling we see between Democrats and Republicans is largely over nothing fundamental. In the end all of the members of the Ruling Class want exactly the same – to keep power and the Status Quo which serves them all well.

What’s that? You don’t believe in fundamental change.
Then you must be a member of the Ruling Class. Because if you are not and you are against change, then you are a Sucker because the Status Quo is going to destroy you and the future.

We have entered yet another new period of history; one that we have been taught is behind us but has roared back bigger and “better” than ever. The ‘Haves and the Have Nots.’
What, you are not overly ambitious all you want to do is live a comfortable life with a good job during your adult life then a safe secure retirement to enjoy yourself? What country do you live in? Certainly not the United States in the 21st century! Cause here you aren’t guaranteed anything anymore unless you are rich and/or powerful.

We talk about it all the time here. In the midst of what is much prosperity for some there is none for the rest. The media trumpets the ever rising stock markets, the record sale of luxury goods, the fortunes being made by so many in Silicon Valley and other elites around the world. Does that include you? Its very unlikely. The reason I know is that this prosperity is mostly about the top 10% and so there is a 90% chance I’m right about you.

Let’s get down to basics. What exactly would Change mean for America?

There is a very obvious starting point – the distribution of wealth. One very good reason the rich are so rich is because government and government policy works so well for them, and that begins with taxes. We are constantly being told the rich pay too much tax. Now how does that work? The wealthier are wealthier than ever today. So how can they be paying too much tax if they just keep getting richer and richer? In any normal universe, if they were paying too much tax they would be getting progressively less wealthy, even poor, but they sure are not. Every year, the rich just get richer

All those who are not rich though supposedly are not paying enough tax and shove too much of the burden on the suffering rich while they the non-rich keep getting poorer. Does anyone smell a scam here? A Con Game? How can you miss it?

So how about a next President who tells us the entire federal tax system is pure BS and must be changed to serve all of us and the entire nation. We don’t need meaningless tax reform, which is code for doing nothing at all. We need to STOP making those who really can’t afford it, pay federal income tax. Where should taxing start? How about above $100,000 annual income from any and all sources and the more you make the higher the rate. Leave the rest of us alone. We’ll know when the richest are paying too much of the tax because we will clearly see their wealth declining. That will tell us it’s too much.

For those who are not wealthy, the vast majority of Americans, the new tax system will be librating. Like the rich they will be able to pay their bills without getting poorer. Even purchase things they never could before or save for their retirement – all of this good for the economy and the vitality of the entire country. Gve Americans hope!

So next President, that is a good starting point for Change. Smash the current Federal income tax system in favor of one that is actually fair, and not penalize the rest of us.

What about health care?. There is another obvious way for the next President to champion change. Get rid of Obamacare for the medical industry. Instead do what any normal country would do and almost all do. Push for single payer national health care. It should not be the purpose of the President or Congress to increase profits for the rich, very profitable medical care providers. The purpose of government should be must be to insure good affordable health care as a basic right of every American. Single payer!

A smart next President will also understand that a fair health care system that covers ALL Americans is very good for the American economy, not forcing businesses into the health care business for their employees, forcing on them a cost that has nothing to do with their business and leading many of them to shed employees to avoid paying for health care.

As far as employment itself, we need a next President who understands the epic time we live in and that more and more good jobs, in fact all kinds of jobs, are disappearing forever at a faster and faster pace. We need a next President who will understand and do something. For starters, by changing the federal income tax in a very meaningful way and providing universal health care for all Americans.

It won’t be enough for a world without jobs for more and more. We need a next President prepared to offer the most fundamental changes since the American Revolution itself. If more and more Americans will not have good lifetime jobs they need something else as good in fact better. We need to create a nation of entrepreneurs in reality, not media hype.

Almost all successful entrepreneurs have access to capital to create and grow new businesses. So rather than the Feds creating trillions of dollars of new money to give to the Ruling Class and the mega-banks and companies they owned and control and bailing them out, let’s STOP that and rather set up a national network to provide ALL Americans with the ability to apply for and receive significant amounts of capital from the government by way of grants and loans to create and develop millions of new businesses in America. Along with this we need to create the very best high speed data networks available to everyone at reasonable prices by ending the communications monopolies like Verizon and the rest.

Which also brings us to the Supreme Court in useful ways. We don’t need 9 Supreme Court Justices who stay in office forever who can have any whacky reactionary views they want and impose them on us without any recourse. A 10 year term is long enough. Maybe with or without the possibility of getting confirmed for one more term. We’ll see.

There is so much more change REAL change we need from the next President – not phony Obama or Clinton bullshit change to insure the Status Quo.

This is enough for one episode of Obama’s America.

Look for more in coming episodes.

In the meantime pray we can endure 3 more years of Obama the Phony.

About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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