News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. June 20, 2014: No one who reads Obama’s America will be surprised.
Obama’s ratings just keep dropping but …
Unlike the Witless Republicans here you really learn why.
It’s not because he doesn’t do what the Right Wing wants that would surely make things worse for him and America, Instead it is something else and it goes far deeper than Republican shallowness. Or their traps.
Yes they would love to see Obama put troops on the ground in Iraq, Syria, any place, Timbuktu why not. Send in the troops.
But it is not because those duplicitous hypocrites are patriotic or they want what is best for America it is because they know if Obama did it would be disastrous. And we all know what they want at ANY cost the coveted White House which Obama covets just as much.
Likewise why Republicans want to dispose of Obamacare which deserves to be but not for the reasons bought and paid for Republicans want. What we need is true national healthcare aka single payer which Republicans despise.
Or how about climate and energy the Republicans would be happy if we all choked on polluted air and drowned in polluted water. But Obama has no real answers anyway. Just half measures.
How about immigration the Brain Dead Republicans would prefer mass deportation and Obama gives us nothing but false promises instead.
Yet what are we looking at in the next election in November nothing but optimism from the Republicans which are certain to keep control of the House and are optimistic about winning the U.S. Senate. How can that be??
Just look at the drawing above.
Barack Obama is the headless horseman President
In other words Democrats are leader-LESS with Obama as President.
Let me turn to the new WSJ/NBC poll for support this week.
From the WSJ article titled “Poll Shows Erosion in President’ Support.” You think. That is a headline since January 2009 for Obama …
aka The Great Pretender aka The Headless President.
So let us begin WSJ, Wednesday, June 18, 20014, pg. A5 ..
“Foreign crises and domestic economic unease have eroded President Barack Obama’s public standing, sapping his ability to respond to overseas conflicts and weighing on fellow Democrats heading into the midterm elections.”
HELLO nothing new but again NOT for the reasons Republicans claim.
More …
“As clouds gather abroad, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds Mr. Obama’s job approval rating at 41%, matching a previous low. Approval of his handling of foreign policy hit a new low of 37%. Both numbers are driven in part by conflicts largely outside the president’s control, including a new wave of sectarian violence in Iraq.”
Out of his control ?? The only thing out of his control is leadership.
Let’s continue …
“The latest Journal poll of 1,000 adults, conducted between Wednesday and Sunday, highlights what appears to be a lasting slide in the president’s public image. Respondents split in half on whether the Obama administration is competent, lower marks than Americans gave former President George W. Bush’s administration in 2006, after the war in Iraq and the bungled response to Hurricane Katrina derailed his presidency.”
And get this ….
“At the same time, Americans seem to be losing faith in Mr. Obama’s ability to accomplish his goals, with 54% of those polled saying they no longer feel the president “is able to lead the country and get the job done,” compared with the 42% who said he could. And 41% said his administration’s performance has gotten worse over the past year, compared with the 15% who noted improvement.”
Losing faith in Obama ?? Give me a break. There hasn’t been any faith in Obama since Inauguration Day 2009 – except among Brain Dead Democrats a fairly large group unfortunately – when Obama FINALLY told is the truth he is nothing special just your run of the mill U.S. President.
Now here is the core of the poll and we can skip the rest of the WSJ rhetoric just concentrate on these two paragraphs that say it all …
“Another ominous trend for Democrats heading into a midterm election that tends to swing on turnout: Mr. Obama has lost significant altitude among core constituencies such as Hispanics and younger Americans. The share of Hispanics who see Mr. Obama favorably and approve of his job performance has dropped from 67% in January 2013 to 44%.”
“It all comes back to one word: leadership,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who helps conduct the poll with Democrat Fred Yang and Republican Bill McInturff. “He may be winning the issues debate, but he’s losing the political debate because they don’t see him as a leader.”
“It all comes back to one word: leadership,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who helps conduct the poll with Democrat Fred Yang and Republican Bill McInturff. “He may be winning the issues debate, but he’s losing the political debate because they don’t see him as a leader.”
“It all comes back to one word: leadership,” said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who helps conduct the poll with Democrat Fred Yang and Republican Bill McInturff. “He may be winning the issues debate, but he’s losing the political debate because they don’t see him as a leader.”
What more can I say …..
Plenty but why bother.
I have said more than enough this week about the Headless Horseman in The White House with an assist from this poll, and according to this poll more and more Americans get it ..
Barack Obama is NOT a Leader and in fact that is hurting Progressive Democrat not the Republicans who are feasting on Barack Obama.
2016 please come and rescue us from Despair, Obama and Republicans !
And give us the strength to wait 2 more long years.
In the meantime …
if you encounter a headless horseman you know who it is.