“Trust Me I’m A Victim Just Like You!”

By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. June 12, 2015: The biggest con of all is playing the VICTIM when you are not.

Welcome to Michel Obama’s World. Michelle is the surprise subject of this week’s episode because she qualifies as half of the “team” of Barack & Michelle. But she is only making one of her rare personal appearances as the headliner this week because of being featured Thursday on the front page of The New York Times. I could not resist …. The BS was just too, too deep to ignore.

Michelle was speaking in front of graduating African American students conning them into thinking she has been a victim. They actually are! So Michelle congratulations, you are Queen for episode # 228 Obama’s America.

If ONLY these kids had the advantages you did and do and that they never will – short of winning the life lottery one or two possibly. But Michelle you are not preaching to them about winning by chance – NO, NO, NO.

You are telling them if Michelle Robinson could make it so far in spite of discrimination and poverty and living on the wrong side of the highway, each of them could do the same The only problem is it is a LIE. Surprise!

Yes, indeed Michelle Robinson grew up in a middle class household, not in luxury, although better off than many young African Americans today. But her advantage began when she had a father who was well plugged into the Chicago political machine, and lo and behold, even knew Jesse Jackson.

Then guess what happened – Michelle went to high school. And became friends with Jackson’s daughter and  was a regular around the influential Jackson household. And can you believe this? Not just one Robinson – but two Black kids from one obscure African American family in Chicago, Michelle’s brother first and then Michelle was accepted at Princeton University. How rare is that? These kids better not count on that happening.

Let’s turn to The Times article for some inspiration.

The title of the page one story is “Michelle Obama Talks About Race and Success, and Makes It Personal.” Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, Michelle!

“She looked around and saw herself three decades ago, young and uncertain, from a part of town where success is a struggle, not a birthright. She knew what they had been through, what it was like to take the long way home to avoid gangs, what it was like when the family strained to make ends meet.”

Michelle you are incredible.

“By her telling, even living at the world’s most prominent address has not erased the sting of racial misunderstanding. In recent weeks, Mrs. Obama has talked of “insults and slights” directed at her husband and caricatures that have pained her.”

That’s right Michelle may be half of the most successful and pampered couple in all of America in not the world but it is still TOUGH for her.

“That’s a burden that President Obama and I proudly carry every single day in the White House,” she told the graduating seniors of King College Prep High School Tuesday, “because we know that everything we do and say can either confirm the myths about folks like us — or it can change those myths.” Michelle how have you done it????

Thank God Michelle was willing to speak at more than one graduation.

“She uses her own story to try to inspire young men and women, especially African-Americans, as she did last month in another commencement address, at Tuskegee University, the historically black college where she described her searing introduction to the national stage.”

It is TOUGH every day for Michelle EVERY day! Listen ….

“As potentially the first African-American first lady, I was also the focus of another set of questions and speculations, conversations sometimes rooted in the fears and misperceptions of others,” she said. “Was I too loud or too angry or too emasculating? Or was I too soft, too much of a mom, not enough of a career woman?”

“It is a role Mrs. Obama did not covet. By most accounts, she felt burned and misunderstood during her husband’s first presidential campaign, where her words were scrutinized as never before and she worried she hurt his prospects. Once in the White House, she struggled to define a role with no playbook. She steered a cautious course, casting herself as “mom in chief” to her two daughters while choosing issues like fighting childhood obesity and supporting veterans.”

God Almighty Michelle is a SAINT a martyr even the Black Joan of Arc!

Think it is fun for Michelle as First Lady? THINK AGAIN …

“In private conversations with acquaintances, she has given the impression of not especially enjoying the klieg-light life in the White House even as she is criticized periodically for foreign trips, like the one she will take this month to England and Italy with her mother and daughters for a mix of official events and sightseeing, partly subsidized by taxpayers as other first ladies’ trips have been.”

Thank God for this …

“She has found her voice in talking particularly about inequality and the lack of fairness in society, and she has returned to a role that has been important to her since she was a young woman, as a mentor,” said Peter Slevin, the author of “Michelle Obama: A Life,” a new biography.

Everyone needs to read this biography. We will all learn something. What?

As for these recent commencement speeches by Michelle – instead of flying around the world vacationing – can you believe she has some critics thank God again, The Times BURIED this at the end of the front page story.

To some critics, it sounded as if Mrs. Obama was complaining about a privileged life, as if she was bitter and resentful …….”

Anyway enough of that bitterness…

Let’s get back to Michelle’s difficult life.

After graduating Princeton then Harvard Law School Michelle went back to toil in Chicago where somehow she got a choice job as a senior advisor to the Mayor. Can you believe that happened to Michelle Robinson?

Then yes … somehow the most prestigious law firm in Chicago hired her as a very well paid attorney on track to become a partner CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT? And guess what? That is where Michelle met another struggling African American lawyer who somehow had graduated from Columbia and then yes, Harvard Law School too. Praise the Lord. It was Barack Obama!

Barack too had a troubled early life growing up in Hawaii, smoking pot and playing basketball while attending the island’s most exclusive prep schools with the children of the Hawaii elite.

So when Michelle goes to speak to these poor disadvantaged African Americans graduating they get a real lesson about class and privilege.

I think Michelle like Barack should get the Nobel Medal right now

Michelle deserves it as much as Barack does.

About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.


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