It Sure Looks Like Vacation!

By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, Fri. Sept. 4, 2015: I misspoke last episode.

I enjoy admitting my mistakes; it proves my humanity. I clearly stated in the last episode President Obama’s vacation was over. WRONG. His two luxurious weeks in splendor on Martha’s Vineyard was just Part One of his year’s Presidential Summer Vacation. Call him Sly Top Dog!

Part Two was his trip to Alaska. The difference is, Obama called the two weeks on Martha’s Vineyard vacation while he is labeling this week’s trip to Alaska as work.

Nice try Barack. You almost slipped that past me but as usual Obama’s America will not be fooled by Barack Obama.

He can fool most of the media most of the time but not here.

Which brings me nicely to this week’s real subject and what guaranteed President Obama was thinking a lot about while in Alaska and everywhere else!

It has been his main occupation (to make a funny) since his re-election. Preparing for the After Life; Life After The White House.

As noted previously, he will sorely miss Air Force One. I mean Big Time miss Air Force One. That is one precious part of the Very Good Life as President he will not be able to duplicate. He just will have to suffer with a much smaller personal private jet like a super duper top of the line ultra luxury personal Gulf Stream jet with all the trimmings and more.

As usual, ONLY in Obama’s America do you read the Truth. Yes, I’m claiming Bragging Rights about the importance of Obama’s After Life to him. I have raised the matter since his re-election.

No one else in the media has until recently but low and behold, Obama America’s favorite media partner NY Times, obviously inspired by Obama’s America, wrote and printed a  big piece about Obama’s After Life.

Of course they did not call it that; they were much more subtle and deferential speaking about a U.S. President after their Presidency ends. We are not subtle here in Obama’s America as you have noticed for 240 episodes.

Get this, they even state: “The process started as early as the week after Mr. Obama’s re-election in 2012.” In Obama’s America we did not wait. Subtlety is not our strong suit here in Obama’s America. In fact we never ever wear that suit except occasionally to be Satirical if not Sartorial.

So anyway let me share with you this week what our partner The NY Times has discovered with their far vaster resources than our modest means allow.

Let’s dig right in as we like to do.

Here is how The Times headlined their story back on August 16, 2015:  “With High-Profile Help, Obama Plots Life After Presidency”

I like their use of the word PLOT. Nice touch, but even more, the headline itself is revealing it implies rightly Obama is paying even more attention to this personal need than any of his predecessors just as you should expect.

Put another way … Barack Obama knows how to take care of Barack Obama.

Amen to that I say AMEN to that! After that bit of satire!

OK let’s get into the article itself …

“The dinner in the private upstairs dining room of the White House went so late that Reid Hoffman, the LinkedIn billionaire, finally suggested around midnight that the President might like to go to bed.”

“But Mr. Obama was just getting started.”

“I’ll kick you out when it’s time,” he replied. He then lingered with his wife, Michelle, and their 13 guests — among them the novelist Toni Morrison, the hedge fund manager Marc Lasry and the Silicon Valley venture capitalist John Doerr — well past 2 a.m.”

You tell ‘em Barack, it does not matter how rich or powerful they are, YOU ARE THE PRESIDENT not them. They will leave when you tell them to leave. Hey, should be glad it was not an ALL nighter. NO subject is more dear to President Barack Obama than taking care of his Retirement.

Shall we continue now if that is OK Mr. President?
“Mr. Obama ‘seemed incredibly relaxed,’” said another guest, writer Malcolm Gladwell. He recalled the group, which also included the actress Eva Longoria and Vinod Khosla, a founder of Sun Microsystems, tossed out ideas about what Mr. Obama should do after he leaves the White House.”

Isn’t it nice to put anyone at all you want on a guest list and they will come running just like a well trained pet. Here pooch …

Yes,  Barack can get retirement advice from anyone he likes and he is obviously calling in anyone and everyone. Imagine if he had to pay all of them for their advice at the rate they would charge. Forget about it.

Here is an insightful statement from the article …

“Publicly, Mr. Obama betrays little urgency about his future. Privately, he is preparing for his post presidency with the same fierce discipline and fund-raising ambition that characterized the 2008 campaign that got him to the White House.”

Did you get that the subject is ALL consuming for Obama?

And who has been telling you that since his re-election?

Say it! Go ahead!  OBAMA’S AMERICA!

“The long-running dinner this past February is part of a methodical effort taking place inside and outside the White House as the President, first lady and a cadre of top aides map out a post presidential infrastructure and endowment they estimate could cost as much as $1 billion. The president’s aides did not ask any of the guests for library contributions after the dinner, but a number of those at the table could be donors in the future.”

Did someone say ONE BILLION DOLLARS is Obama’s goal? Yes, The New York Times just said so in this article but who has been telling you since his re-election just how lofty Barack & Michelle’s retirement goal is?

Say it, go ahead! OBAMA’S AMERICA!

That last segment of the Times article deserves an ENCORE ..

“The effort taking place inside and outside the White House as the president, first lady and a cadre of top aides map out a post presidential infrastructure and endowment they estimate could cost as much as $1 billion.”

The King & Queen have a Life Style they must maintain you peons!

Let’s keep going, there is more …

“Shailagh Murray, a senior adviser, oversees an effort inside the White House to keep attention on Mr. Obama’s future and to ensure that his final 17 months in office, barring crises, serve as a glide path to his life as an ex-president.”

Another ENCORE …

“… oversees an effort inside the White House to keep attention on Mr. Obama’s future and to ensure that his final 17 months in office, barring crises, serve as a glide path to his life as an ex-president.”

And yes you got that right, we are paying for their retirement planning high paid  Presidential staff  to “ensure that his final 17 months in office, barring crises, serve as a glide path to his life as an ex-president.”

That nugget flew right past the clueless Times reporter who wrote it.

Now here comes Presidential big time buddy and very high paid White House insider Valerie Jarrett to LIE to us in the New York Times with this nonsense:  “His focus is on finishing this job completely, thoroughly.”

You tell ‘em Valerie, the Truth has never been your concern.

Now here is some real truth in this article …

“The process started as early as the week after Mr. Obama’s re-election in 2012, when the director Steven Spielberg and the actor Daniel Day-Lewis went to a White House screening of the movie “Lincoln.” Mr. Spielberg held the president spellbound, guests said, when he spoke about the use of technology to tell stories. Mr. Obama has continued those conversations, most recently with Mr. Spielberg.”

Again … “The process started as early as the week after Mr. Obama’s re-election in 2012.” Who keeps telling you that? That’s right!

Say it! Go ahead … OBAMA’S AMERICA!

As for the part about … “Mr. Spielberg held the President spellbound, guests said, when he spoke about the use of technology to tell stories.”

Telling stories Barack will have NO problem at all telling stories once he leaves The White House. He got plenty of practice during two terms in The White House like the story …

That this week’s trip to Alaska was work NOT vacation.

You tell ‘em Barack! And God bless America too.

About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.


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