Get Some For President Obama!

By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Feb. 29, 2016: Are you ready for this ….

“Eight years after the financial crisis, unemployment is at 5 percent, deficits are down and G.D.P. is growing. Why do so many voters feel left behind? The President has a theory.”

And he told our media “partner” The New York Times all about it.

Really, President Obama has a THEORY? Well I have a BETTER theory.

Let’s deal with Barack’s first.

WARNING! Put on your seat belt before you read this Barack Obama NONSENSE. My Publisher does not want to get sued if you fall off your chair so she insisted I tell you to BUCKLE UP for legal reasons!

Barack lives in so such of a Bubble it is SCARY …

A direct quote from President Barack Obama …

“I actually compare our economic performance to how, historically, countries that have wrenching financial crises perform,” he said. “By that measure, we probably managed this better than any large economy on Earth in modern history.”

ENCORE … “ we probably managed this better than any large economy on Earth in modern history.”

Don’t worry there is lots more to Obama’s THEORY …

“It was a notably grand claim, especially given the tenor in which presidential candidates of both parties had taken to criticizing the state of the American economy — “Many are still barely getting by,” Hillary Clinton said.” YOU THINK?

“Asked if he was frustrated by all the criticism, Obama insisted that he wasn’t, at least not personally. “It has frustrated me only insofar as it has shaped the political debate,” he said. “We were moving so fast early on that we couldn’t take victory laps. We couldn’t explain everything we were doing. I mean one day we’re saving the banks; the next day we’re saving the auto industry; the next day we’re trying to see whether we can have some impact on the housing market.”

Welcome to President Obama’s Fantasy World ….

I especially like this part ….

“I mean, one day we’re saving the banks!” Yea Barack, saving criminals from JAIL and giving them hundreds of BILLIONS $$ in FREE money so they could make billions more in PROFITS.

So if Hillary got $625,000 for nothing more than making a few ridiculous speeches at Goldman Sachs  IMAGINE how much they are going to pay Barack Obama to make “speeches” once he leaves The White House! Millions of $$$!

But let me stay on message … back to Obama’s “theory” and the NYT article.

“As his Presidency nears its end, this has become an increasingly common refrain from Obama, who, despite his prodigious skills as an orator, has come to seem more confident about his achievements than about his ability to promote them. “I mean, the truth of the matter is that if we had been able to more effectively communicate all the steps we had taken to the swing voters,” he said, “then we might have maintained a majority in the House or the Senate.”

Here we go again – it is a COMMUNICATIONS problem that President Obama does not get the CREDIT he deserves. That basically is his theory.

Well the fact is he is “communicating” very well. He has SUCKERED 99% of African-Americans into believing he has done a good job for them while he has sold them down the river these last 8 years.

Let’s continue with Obama’s Fantasy about Reality …

“There are, of course, many reasons so few Americans seem to be celebrating. How people feel about the economy,” Obama said, giving one part of his own theory, is influenced by “what they hear.” He went on: “And if you have a political party — in this case, the Republicans — that denies any progress and is constantly channeling to their base, which is sizable, say, 40 percent of the population, that things are terrible all the time, then people will start absorbing that.”

So in Obama’s Fantasy, the only “problem” is that Americans have been misled about all he has done for the 99% of us. That is right … if only we understood the truth and did not allow ourselves to be mislead.

Yes. we gullible Americans too bad we are not as smart as Barack Obama.

Whoa … look at this – somebody slipped Obama some TRUTH SERUM.

“But as Obama also acknowledged, the public anger about the economy is not without empirical basis. A large swath of the nation has dropped out of the labor force completely, and the reality for the average American family is that its household income is $4,000 less than it was when Bill Clinton left office. Economic inequality, meanwhile, has only grown worse, with the top 1 percent of American households taking in more than half of the recent gains in income growth. “Millions and millions and millions and millions of people look at that pretty picture of America he painted and they cannot find themselves in it to save their lives,” Clinton himself said of Obama’s economy in March, while on the campaign trail for his wife. “People are upset, frankly; they’re anxiety-ridden, they’re disoriented, because they don’t see themselves in that picture.”


“A large swath of the nation has dropped out of the labor force completely, the reality for the average American family is that its household income is $4,000 less than when Bill Clinton left office. Economic inequality, meanwhile, has grown worse, with the top 1 percent of American households taking in more than half of the gains in income growth. “Millions and millions and millions of people look at that pretty picture of America he painted and they cannot find themselves in it to save their lives,”


“Millions and millions and millions of people look at that pretty picture of America he painted and they cannot find themselves in it to save their lives,”

The Times Sunday Magazine article then reports …

“It is this disconnect that haunts Obama. He has, by his own lights, managed the recovery as well as any president ever could, with results that in many cases exceeded his own best hopes. But despite the gains of the past seven years, many Americans have been left behind. Something has changed, and as he prepares to leave office, Obama seems to understand that his economic legacy might be judged not just by what he has done, but by how the results compare to a bygone era of middle-class opportunity, one that perhaps no president, faced with the sweeping changes transforming the global economy, could ever bring back.

Who is HAUNTING who? Barack Obama is HAUNTING us!

And get this are you ready. From the article ….

“Often in our conversations, the president expressed a surprising degree of identification with America’s business leaders. “If I hadn’t gone into politics and public service,” Obama told me, “the challenges of creating a business and growing a business and making it work would probably be the thing that was most interesting to me.” His showy embrace of capitalism was especially notable given his fractious relationship with Wall Street and the business community for much of his first term.”

ONLY in Obama’s America will you learn what Obama is really saying with this statement. He is signaling the rich business elite screwing the rest of us once I am ‘out of here next year’ I am really ‘one of you’ so throw the Big Bucks my way beginning in 2017 ‘ I’m real good at making speeches.’

As for this Times Magazine article it goes on forever seriously forever.

God bless any of you willing to wade through all that Obama BS. I hope you have very high boots to wear you will need them. Most of my readers don’t.

So now for my theory of Barack Obama… In fact you already know it; it comes up episode after episode in Barack Obama’s America.

President Barack Obama is an outstanding Con Artist. To master the Con there must be a sliver of authenticity in your character and your actions. It is essential it’s I what makes the “great” (sic) Con Artists so “good” – you can point of examples of “good” they do so they can rip you off Big Time. They give you the “small change” while they loot the rest.

This is about far more than just money very good Con Artists win over your CON-fidence – get it CON Artists? Barack Obama got elected on a LIE that he was going to be a “change master” for America making it better for all of us the 99%, by electing him. Then he has spent the last 8 years ….

Trying to CON us in to believing he has.

It won’t work here in Obama’s America Barack. Too bad for you.

So my THEORY is a whole lot better than his. It’s true!


About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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