Buy It If You Can Afford It!

By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. June 17, 2016:  SURPRISE ….

New headline in New York Times this week ,..

“Yes, Obamacare Premiums Are Going Up”

And here is the opening …

“Get ready for big increases in premiums under the Affordable Care Act. A new analysis from the Kaiser Family Foundation examined the most popular individual plans under the new health care law in 14 major cities around the country and found that insurers were asking for increases in 2017 that are twice as big as this year’s.”

Guess, I am going to miss Barack Obama – the subject that just keeps giving. I did not intend it but I may have to follow him into his Luxurious Retirement although President Hillary Clinton will provide just as much good copy.

Decisions, decisions! I’m in the same position as Barack and Hillary with only months to go before the Transition from one Con Artist to Another. And they both come with a Second – for Barack, Michelle, for Hillary, Bill.
So much “rich” material to draw from … I have a dilemma unless I cover all four – maybe do both Clinton’s America and Obama’s America  – or how about on alternating weeks or pick which ever makes a better story that week OR ..

Maybe I can get my Publisher to DOUBLE my salary and do both each week. Finally Barack I might even afford worthless Obamacare except – with my new salary – why waste my new “wealth” on a scam?

All this allows me to take an unexpected turn with this week’s episode and surprise you in a real way  – not with the rhetorical  “surprise” …

Barack and Michelle’s NEW home come January 20, 2017 …

It is very revealing in its own way and clearly relates to everything else in ways the other media doesn’t have a clue. To them, Obama’s new home is simply a minor feel good story about moving some place new. REALLY?

That is why they are called the Stupid Media by some – not me of course!

I’m taking a small break here to watch Bernie Sanders give his speech on the many FAILURES in America today. Poor Bernie – he could have WON the nomination if he does not REFUSE to blame Barack Obama – in fact praised him again and again for nothing.

Bernie is going on and on about how things are worse than they were 8 years ago but even worse – President Obama has even REFUSED to speak in these terms. Silly Bernie gave Obama a free pass and by extension President Barack Obama’s “partner” Hillary. Sanders got SUCKERED into losing.

Get this – Sanders just said he looks forward to working with Hillary Clinton to TRANSFORM the Democratic Party. Right Bernie, Hillary who is the Queen of the Status Quo – who won because she is the candidate of the Same Old Democratic Party, is going to TRANSFORM it just like Obama did.

Good night Bernie … time to go back to sleep forever.

Sorry, let me get back to business … Obama’s new home.

In fact it is perfect for the Obamas’ – clearly an expensive mansion in Washington DC’s most fashionable neighborhood and secluded as befits rich celebrities who will now be mingling more freely with the most famous and rich Americans and the potentates from around the world; they will be wining and dining to reach their $ Billion plus goal in the coming years.

So what is the story on the mansion? Here it is …

From our frequent media partners  New York Times, May 25th, a story they conveniently buried when it belonged on Page One …

“President Obama and his family plan to move to a mansion in the upscale Kalorama neighborhood of Washington, a mere two miles from the White House, when he leaves office in January, according to people familiar with his plans.”

Yes, a home fit for Royalty – Black or White. The Privileged Few! Yes, all those millions upon millions of African-Americans in hopeless, dangerous, run down neighborhoods across America can take JOY in reading about the Rich Black Obamas’ who will NEVER invite them to THEIR mansion.

Let’s continue touring the mansion …

“Mr. Obama, who has said his family will remain in the capital until his daughter Sasha completes high school in 2018, will rent the 8,200-square-foot, nine-bedroom home, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to reveal his plans.”

How much does it cost?

“The house — valued around $6 million, according to several real estate websites, with an estimated monthly rent of $22,000 on Zillow.”

Tell us more about the mansion itself …

“The move will put the Obamas’ in one of Washington’s wealthiest ZIP codes, in a secluded precinct backing up to Rock Creek Park that is home to diplomats and a focal point of the capital’s cocktail-party circuit. The home itself is luxurious; photographs posted by Washington Fine Properties, which listed it when it sold in 2014, show spacious rooms with hardwood floors, white marble countertops, his-and-her master bathrooms and a terrace with formal gardens.”

Only the BEST for Barack and Michelle – they are Royalty. Otherwise known as “respectable” Con Artists as proven by the last 8 years.

What about security and keeping riff raff away?

“The location appears to meet Mr. Obama’s need to accommodate the Secret Service contingent that remains with a president after leaving office. A gated courtyard on the side has space for several vehicles and the addition of a guardhouse.”

But thank God there is more …

“The neighborhood already has a sizable security presence because of its proximity to the stretch of Massachusetts Avenue known as Embassy Row. The Obamas’ will live down the block from the embassy of Oman and the European Union ambassador to the United States, and around the corner from Gérard Araud, the French ambassador known for entertaining often at his Tudor Revival mansion.”

Call it what it is – a very exclusive GATED community for the Rich.

How do others describe it?

“Residents describe the neighborhood as an oasis of residential calm in the middle of a bustling city. You can get almost anyplace in Washington that you want to go to in 15 minutes, but on the weekend, it’s like you’re in the country,” said Bart Gordon, a former Democratic congressman from Tennessee who is now with the law firm K & L Gates and who will soon be the Obamas’ next-door neighbor.”

I am so happy the Obamas’ will be rich and happy when they have to give up The White House to their buddies Hillary and Bill. Their fellow Cons.

But I still have concerns about the Obamas’ private jets. Can they be happy with less than Air Force One? That will be a burden for them to bear.

I can’t go on – I’m upset about the jets. I’m crying! So that is it for this episode.


 About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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