Obama’s Gift To Clinton!

By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. July 8, 2016: We are about to find out how STUPID Americans agree to be.

The non-investigation of Hillary Clinton’s emails has just escalated to another level with the release of the FBI’s non-findings.

What we may be witnessing is a very clever “coup” taking place that not only relieves Clinton of responsibility for her illegal use of private email servers but paves the way for her election as President.

You didn’t think “coups” happen here? THINK AGAIN!

Let me introduce a new media partner to Obama’s America – Politico, the very well respected political journal.

“When it comes to Clinton’s correspondence, the most basic and troubling questions remain unanswered: Why are there gaps in Clinton’s email history?  Did she or her team delete emails she should have made public ?”

“According to Clinton and her campaign, when they were choosing what correspondence to turn over to State for public release, they deleted 31,830 other emails deemed “personal and private.”


“But a numeric analysis of the emails that have been made public, focusing on conspicuous lapses in email activity, raises troubling concerns that Clinton or her team might have deleted a number of work-related emails.”

So what did the FBI findings have to say about the MISSING 31,830 emails – or put another way – the 50% of the emails that were DESTROYED by Hillary Clinton and  her staff?

Here is what the FBI said about them – NOTHING.

Because the only evidence the FBI “investigated” (sic) is what Hillary Clinton decided to give them.

FBI Director James Comey To Hillary Clinton …..

“Hillary give us whatever you like and we will make our decision whether or not to charge you with a crime based only on that “evidence.””

Hillary Clinton to FBI director James  Comey…

“No problem Jim, I will give you everything you need.”

Imagine if it were you being investigated by the FBI and you DESTROYED evidence; do you think the FBI would say: ‘OK give us what you like.’

It sounds ridiculous just writing that nonsense but that is exactly the deal Hillary Clinton got from guess who her #1 buddy President Obama.

Who just yelled out co-conspirators? Identify yourself trouble maker!

Let’s dig in deeper – it just gets worse for Barack and Hillary.

The fact is, for Hillary Clinton to destroy emails on servers on which she conducted all her business is by definition a crime. If she had used official servers and some emails were “personal,” she would have not had the right on her own to destroy those emails.

In this context, by definition, her personal servers became official govt. servers based on how she used them. Clinton in effect destroyed what amounts to govt. property.  There is the matter that of course Clinton destroyed any emails that might have subjected her to charges using her govt. position to advance her personal interests.

How do we know she did not do so? She told us so!

Do you believe Hillary Clinton would have kept and turned over emails to the FBI that not only would have ended her Presidential campaign but would have more likely put her in jail for misusing her official position rather than simply being sloppy with confidential information in some emails?

Do you mean you don’t trust Hillary Clinton?  Shame on you!  NOT!

Let’s go back to Politico … it just gets worse …

“We already know that the trove of Clinton’s work-related emails is incomplete.” In his comments on Tuesday, Comey declared, “The FBI … discovered several thousand work-related e-mails that were not in the group of 30,000 that were returned by Secretary Clinton to State in 2014. We also already know that some of those work-related emails could be permanently deleted.”

“Indeed,” according to Comey, “It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that [Clinton and her team] did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all emails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.”


“Indeed, according to Comey, “It is also likely that there are other work-related e-mails that [Clinton and her team] did not produce to State and that we did not find elsewhere, and that are now gone because they deleted all emails they did not return to State, and the lawyers cleaned their devices in such a way as to preclude complete forensic recovery.”

Time for some interpretation…

SORRY Clinton did such a good job of  DESTROYING 30,000 emails and was so concerned no one would ever see them, she used such advanced techniques that even the FBI could not find any way to recover those 30,000 emails, but that is OK.

By the way, these are excuse me, were many thousands of PRECIOUS personal emails for 4 of the most productive and success filled years of her entire life – the ONLY email record that Hillary had of wonderful personal moments that she would want to recount and validate in her memoirs and have available for others to use to write about her  and get to know the real Hillary over those four years but those four years will be a complete electronic blank.

Back to Politico …

“Why does this matter? Because Clinton signed documents declaring she turned over all of her work-related emails. We now know that is not true. But even more importantly, the absence of emails raises troubling questions about the nature of the correspondence that might have been deleted.”

YOU THINK? Not FBI Director Comey! He says NO problem.

Let’s get our money’s worth from media partner Politico …

“Based on the emails the State Department released, Clinton sent or received an average of 21 work emails per day during her tenure—including on her numerous trips overseas, when email must have been a lifeline for communication. But there are numerous odd low-traffic days in the email record during her foreign travel. For example, from July 17-23, 2009, Clinton made a high-profile visit to India and Thailand.”

“She not only issued a pivotal joint statement with the Indian government on nuclear technology, she also met with Indian billionaires at the start of her visit. On July 22, she met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Thailand to discuss arms control. And yet, if you look at what she claims is her complete email record released by the State Department, on July 18 and July 20 of this trip, she did not send or receive a single email that was deemed work-related.”

Did Politico just say there are GAPS in Clinton’s email records?

Are they like GAPS in Nixon’s White House tapes?

There is so much in this new Politico article my publisher will get angry with me if I make this too long but I can’t stop now …

“Could it be that Team Clinton avoided email while she was traveling as a security precaution? Her pattern during other travels doesn’t support that possible explanation. During her 2010 visit to Ukraine on July 1-2, for example, she sent and received 38 emails over both days. During her June 27-29, 2012, visit to St. Petersburg, Russia, she sent and received 65 emails over those three days.”

“Could it be that her BlackBerry didn’t work in certain countries? No. The server back in Chappaqua would still be receiving emails whether the BlackBerry was connected or not. Short of the server going down, for which there is no evidence, there is no technological explanation for this gap.”

Jut a little more from Politico …

“There are other anomalies. The email traffic for the secretary of state seems for the most part to be event-driven. For example, during Muammar Qadhafi’s removal from power in Libya, on Aug. 22, 2011, Clinton received 133 work-related emails, way more than average. However, there are some important events with virtually no corresponding email traffic.”

Damn it I have to keep going even if I get in trouble with my publisher …

“Equally bizarre is the absence at certain times of basic logistical emails pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton. In general, Bill gets plenty of mention in the official emails released by the State Department, emails covering everything from travel logistics to press releases about Clinton Foundation work.”


Who is kidding who?

1) Clinton broke all regulations and had her PRIVATE sever system so she and Bill could “safely” conduct PERSONAL business with Hilary in the all important position of Secretary of State having very carefully worded but very damaging email exchanges with those who have and those who might make “generous” contributions to the Clinton business their Foundation.

2) Both Clintons are such Con Artists they just could not resist the temptation the opportunity Hillary as Secretary of State presented.

3) The issue of emails containing classified information is the smoke screen for the real criminality of Hillary misusing her position for personal gain.

Back to Politico …

“These omissions could come down to Clinton’s definition of “personal.” Clinton and her team have claimed that the only emails that were deleted pertained to personal matters, or as she put it, “emails about planning Chelsea’s wedding or my mother’s funeral arrangements, condolence notes to friends, as well as yoga routines, family vacations, the other things you typically find in inboxes.”

“But the system by which this sorting took place was highly arbitrary, and was undertaken not by objective government officials but by lawyers and close aides. Keep in mind that those lawyers have used a more expansive term than Clinton to describe what was deleted.”

“They called them “private, personal records.” By this definition, “private, personal records” doesn’t just have to apply to wedding planning; that term could involve anything related to the Clinton Foundation or Bill’s commercial activities. But the world has a right to know if and when Hillary Clinton’s State Department work overlapped with the Clinton Foundation’s agenda—and what resulted from such blurring of lines.”


“ By this definition, “private, personal records” doesn’t just have to apply to wedding planning; that term could involve anything related to the Clinton Foundation or Bill’s commercial activities.”

ARE YOU READY for Politico’s Finale …

“The media has spent a lot of time parsing through the Clinton emails that already have been released—compiling lists, looking for specific names or discussion of particular issues. But they ought to pay more attention to the holes. Bob Woodward has declared that Hillary Clinton’s email scandal “reminds me of the Nixon tapes.” He’s right. In that case and here, it’s not what’s in the record that’s most troubling. It’s what’s not there.”


“Bob Woodward has declared that Hillary Clinton’s email scandal “reminds me of the Nixon tapes.” He’s right. In that case and here, it’s not what’s in the record that’s most troubling. It’s what’s not there.”


“Bob Woodward has declared that Hillary Clinton’s email scandal “reminds me of the Nixon tapes.” He’s right. In that case and here, it’s not what’s in the record that’s most troubling. It’s what’s not there.”

Now here is my Finale to this weeks’ episode …

The FBI’s conclusions freeing Hillary are nothing but a scam.

Even without access to the destroyed emails the very act of what is the unauthorized destroying of what is govt. property once Clinton made a decision to do all her govt. business on what she calls personal servers and then decided on her own what to destroy is a clearly indictable offense.

What Clinton thought was a brilliant con in destroying potentially damaging emails and getting away with it is in fact the bigger crime destroying government property records they had no right to destroy since those servers became government property once they used them for govt. business.

The fact that FBI Director completely ignored this indictable offense should have President Obama immediately removing him except more shades of Watergate and another President. The FBI Director is getting away with this because he knows he will suffer no consequences that he did exactly what President Barack Obama wanted him to do ….

give Hillary a get out of prison for FREE pass to become President. Now do you understand the title of this week’s episode?


About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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