Feast On These!










By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. July 22, 2016: One thing is for sure I never run out of good material for Obama’s America.

All I have to do is look for newspaper articles with Obama’s name in the headline. Let me prove how easy it is using this episode. Rather than go into my list of waiting topics I simply did a search on the New York Times Website just now for the newest article about Obama.

I typed in “Barack Obama.”

Here is the headline I found at the top of the list today …

“Obama Faces Growing Expectations on Race and Policing”

REALLY??? After 7 ½ years with just 6 months to go!

Let’s dig in this should be “good” …

“At the White House last week, DeRay Mckesson, a Black Lives Matter activist who was arrested only days before in Baton Rouge, LA., for protesting police violence against African-Americans, had a lengthy list of demands for President Obama.”

You think? Who with any kind of progressive agenda does NOT have a long list for Obama he will never get to? I alone have 285 episodes worth.

Back to the Times article …

“The President should visit Baton Rouge and other cities where black men have been killed by police officers, appoint special prosecutors to investigate the deaths and use his executive power to force changes in police departments across the country,” Mr. Mckesson said.

“The next day, a distraught Erica Garner, whose father, Eric Garner, was killed in 2014 by a New York City police officer who placed him in a chokehold, accosted Mr. Obama after a televised town-hall-style meeting with demands of her own. Why have no police officers been convicted or sent to jail for killing black men, and what was he doing to rid police departments of the tactical military equipment that made community protest routes resemble war zones? ,she asked.”

Again this is after almost all of the Obama Presidency is over.

Don’t they get it don’t they want to get it as oh so obvious as it is.

President Obama has FAILED Black America to no surprise here. Just as he has failed most of America excepting those who benefit from the Status Quo meaning those with lots of money and/or power. Most have both

Except for a very tiny Black Elite in America – you can find most of them on Martha’s  Vineyard right now where the Obama’s will join then in a few weeks – other than them Barack Obama has completely FAILED Black America what is even worse since he did so by Design !

Obama never intended to be a President for Black America or Poor America, or even Middle Class America while always trying to make sure he appeared to be all these things and more while PROVING he is the President of Powerful America and Rich America just as Hillary Clinton will be.

What is the difference between the Republican Elite and the Democratic Elite?

Two things: 1) the Democratic Party Elite are far better at hiding their real agenda, and 2) the Democratic Party Elite throw some crumbs to us.

See why I chose this week’s headline and image?

Back to the Times article …

“As Mr. Obama responds to the latest in fatal confrontations between police officers and black men — this time followed by lethal attacks in Dallas and Baton Rouge on law enforcement officers by black gunmen — he has also confronted a growing list of expectations that young black activists have placed on him.”


“He has also confronted a growing list of expectations that young black activists have placed on him.”

Get on line with all the rest of us. And go to the head of the line!

Then the article gets ridiculous …

“In private meetings and impromptu conversations with Mr. Obama, Black Lives Matter activists and others who share their goals have questioned why a President they see as uniquely aware of racism is not doing more to help them.”

??????????????????????? The question marks are mine.

Are you kidding???????????

“Activists and others who share their goals have questioned why a President they see as uniquely aware of racism is not doing more to help them.”


Where have you been the last 7 ½ years to ask a dumb question like that?

Have you been on Mars?

I believe I answered that very easy question.

I guess I need to repeat myself …

Obama never intended to be a President for Black America or Poor America, or even Middle Class America while always trying to make sure he appeared to be all these things and more while PROVING he is the President of Powerful America and Rich America just as Hillary Clinton will be.


Here is Obama’s answer (sic) to their question …

“It’s complicated, Mr. Obama tries to explain — a response he acknowledges is accurate and unsatisfying.”


“It’s complicated, Mr. Obama tries to explain — a response he acknowledges is accurate and unsatisfying.”


“It’s complicated, Mr. Obama tries to explain — a response he acknowledges is accurate and unsatisfying.”

SURPRISE President Obama …

It is NOT complicated at all … let me repeat myself yet again …

Obama never intended to be a President for Black America or Poor America, or even Middle Class America while always trying to make sure he appeared to be all these things and more while PROVING he is the President of Powerful America and Rich America just as Hillary Clinton will be.

What is COMPLICATED is how well Obama has FOOLED America and BLACK America most of all.

Let me keep quoting this Times article I randomly chose for this week’s episode to make the point I opened this episode by telling how very easy it is to find good (sic) material for Obama’s America.

“The confrontations highlighted Mr. Obama’s struggle to respond to the Black Lives Matter movement, a diffuse group unlike established civil rights organizations that have deep relationships at the White House and on Capitol Hill.”

What did I already write above …

President Obama has FAILED Black America to no surprise here! Just as he has failed most of America – excepting those who benefit from the Status Quo meaning those with lots of money and/or power.

Except for a very tiny Black Elite in America – you can find most of them on Martha’s  Vineyard right now where the Obama s will join then in a few weeks – other than them Barack Obama has completely FAILED Black America what is even worse by he did so by Design !

The Times article in fact states Obama is having trouble responding to African Americans who are not members of the Black Elite meaning leaders of ESTABLISHED civil rights organizations and those who have deep RELATIONSHIPS at the White House and on Capitol Hill.

This is a very good definition of the Black Elite Obama identifies with!

What is there relationship to the real Black America … nonexistent!

So why is there even any question why Obama is supposed struggling with how to respond to Black America it is NOT his America. There is nothing Black about Obama except the color of his skin which he has used to very great advantage indeed all the way to the Presidency …

Barack Obama grew up in Hawaii which is nothing but a fantasy for 99% of African Americans. Barack went to the finest schools on Hawaii and his friends were the young Hawaiian elite who he played lots of basketball with while smoking lots of marijuana in beautiful luxurious Hawaii.

After that Obama went to two of America most elite universities first Columbia then Harvard Law School. Next Obama made a strategic decision to live in Chicago because he astutely understood he could quickly rise as a young good looking, talented well educated Black American and he sure did.

Barack Obama’s ONLY exposure to REAL Black America was when he decided to enhance his credentials doing some work in real Black communities not last but long but long enough to boost Obama yet higher.

Enough Obama bio back to the Times article…

“Mr. Obama first invited Black Lives Matter activists to the White House in 2014 after unrest in Ferguson, Mo., following the killing of an unarmed black man, Michael Brown, by a white police officer. White House officials said at the time that the activists had grievances but few constructive suggestions. Mr. Obama has prodded them to focus on solutions.”

That is precious … “Mr. Obama has prodded them to focus on solutions.”

How about Obama’s SOLUTIONS? He has none! To make a point since this reference is to 2014, two years later it is only worse.

I am rapidly reaching my self imposed word count limit for this episode. I need to get to my TV for some laughs. I don’t want to miss Donald Trump’s acceptance speech this evening. It will be Hilarious guaranteed.

I will confront the same situation next Thursday Hillary’s acceptance speech. We won’t know which one is more amusing until both are done.

OK so I need a close here so I can send this episode off to my Publisher.

Wait a second the Times solved my problem with another Obama quote.

“The goal of protest isn’t just to protest for the sake of protesting,” Obama said at last week’s town-hall-style meeting. “The goal of protest is to then get the attention of decision-makers and sit down and say, ‘Here’s what we would like to see,’ and have a negotiation, which over time can actually lead to improvements in the system.”

President Obama may be more hilarious than Trump or Clinton will be!






About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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