









By Arthur Piccolo

 News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. July 29, 2016: Sorry, this very special new White House Goody Bag is NOT for you unless you are a member of the Obama/Clinton Elite.

If so please pick yours up anytime beginning January 20, 2017, or it can be delivered if you prefer.

Let me explain as I always do here in Obama’s America…

The REAL conventions do not take place on your TV screen or iPad the view we all see playing out in the arenas where delegates gather.

In fact the images on screen are manufactured to hide the other convention.

I don’t want to ignore the public convention taking place in Philadelphia and the “high” point so far – yes I’m writing Thursday morning before Hillary’s song & dance routine – and after President Obama’s speech Wednesday.

The convention floor filled with True Believers who were Euphoric of course. Barack Obama is their God and he can do no wrong in their fantasy world. Of course the praise for Obama’s speech was endless. Word was spread he had been working on it for weeks. My question is why?
It was Obama’s standard BS “stump” speech fine tuned for the convention and the sycophants filing the arena. But it was the same old message: I, Barack Obama have done so much for you and Hillary will do more of the same.

Obama also used the same line he has before to insult Great American Presidents – unlike him – making the unbelievable claim that Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person ever to be President of the United States.

Step aside you second rate Presidents: Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, and the others – Hillary Clinton is better than all of you says Barack Obama.

Here is the other thing about Obama’ performance Wednesday evening. He himself referenced his own convention speech 12 years ago. Sorry Barack, NO comparison! Twelve years ago Barack Obama was fantastic at his best. Last night he was a bombastic caricature of what he had been back then.

The larger issue is that last night President Obama was representing a corrupt Democratic Party apparatus which he has been the leader of and active participant to insure Clinton would get the nomination. All those national committee emails released this week accurately reflect the very way Obama conducted himself dismissing Sanders; telling private audiences of the rich and powerful that Sanders had no chance and they should all back Clinton.

That’s enough for this episode about the public convention taking place in Philadelphia this week. Let’s turn to the REAL convention.

I must compliment media partner The New York Times, which is largely nothing but an extension of the Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign, for still having the objectivity for telling the truth in an article Thursday – Of course they will be berated by the Clinton campaign.


… EXCEPT it is NOT in the paper edition – the ‘official’ edition – only online; which means it will be far less noticed buried in the online edition and even more lost when others are researching the 2016 Democratic National Convention years from now.

It is front page here in Obama’s America. What article is this …

“After Lying Low, Deep-Pocketed Clinton Donors Return to the Fore”

That’s right, clueless cheering delegates in Philadelphia who are NOT part of the Hillary & Bill Clinton “circle” and don’t enjoy the REAL convention which you are NOT invited to that makes a painful mockery of all the empty rhetoric in the arena – most of all by Barack Obama Wednesday night and Hillary Clinton Thursday night.

So let’s dig into the article and examine the Truth …

“In a luxury suite high above the convention floor, some of the Democratic Party’s most generous patrons sipped cocktails, caught up with old friends, tuning out Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on Monday as he bashed Wall Street in an arena named after one of the country’s largest banks.”

Of course these Clinton Big Wigs tuned out Bernie Sanders. First of all, they had demolished him and second he has nothing to say to them. Besides why would they waste their time in the convention hall with those middle class delegates they have nothing in common with and want nothing to do with?

Back to the article …

“And in the vaulted marble bar of the Ritz-Carlton downtown, wealthy givers congregated in force for cocktails and glad-handing, as protesters thronged just outside to voice their unhappiness with Wall Street, big money in politics and Mrs. Clinton herself.”

Got that?

“…Wealthy givers congregated in force for cocktails and glad-handing”

More …

“After a wrenching yearlong nominating battle with searing debates over the influence of Wall Street and the ability of ordinary citizens to be heard over the din of dollars changing hands, the party’s moneyed elite returned to the fore this week, undeterred and mostly unabashed.”

Yes, for a short while, the Democratic Party Elite, aka Obama Elite, aka Clinton Elite, had to endure being attacked by a real Democrat – Bernie Sanders. But alas, the weak challenge is over – time to PARTY!

But more than just party, reaffirm REALITY …

“If the talk onstage at the Wells Fargo Center was about reducing inequality and breaking down barriers, Philadelphia evoked the world as it still often is: a stratified society with privilege and access determined by wealth.”

Got that? The REAL Democratic Party!

“…. a stratified society with privilege and access determined by wealth.”

Please continue media partner New York Times …..

“The Clinton people would always argue, ‘Well, there’s no connection between the money and the actions that we take,’ ” said Jonathan Tasini, a liberal organizer and Sanders delegate from New York. “That’s what these cocktail parties and receptions are all about. It’s about access and whose phone calls get answered.”

Again what is really going on at the convention?

“That’s what these cocktail parties and receptions are all about. It’s about access and whose phone calls get answered.”

Time for the Clinton Elite to come “out of the closet” …

“For many Clinton donors, particularly those from the financial sector, the convention is a time to shed what one called the “hypersensitivity” that had previously surrounded their appearance at Mrs. Clinton’s fund-raisers or at her political events, during a period when Mr. Sanders repeatedly attacked Mrs. Clinton’s connections to Wall Street and her six-figure speaking fees from financial institutions.”

SURPRISE … let’s have an encore …

“For many Clinton donors, particularly those from the financial sector, the convention is a time to shed what one called the “hypersensitivity” that had previously surrounded their appearance at Mrs. Clinton’s fund-raisers or at her political events, during a period when Mr. Sanders repeatedly attacked Mrs. Clinton’s connections to Wall Street and her six-figure speaking fees from financial institutions.”

Let’s move on …

“I think we’re past that,” said Alan Patricof, a longtime donor to Mrs. Clinton, when asked about the need to lie low during the primaries.

THAT’S RIGHT! NO NEED TO LIE LOW – power and money WON!

“In Philadelphia, donors were handed preferred suites at the Ritz-Carlton and “Friends and Family” packages created for longtime Clinton hands — some of them also longtime benefactors. Some were granted time backstage or in the Clinton family box with former President Bill Clinton and Chelsea Clinton. Blackstone, the private equity giant, scheduled a reception at the Barnes Foundation on Thursday with its president, Hamilton E. James, one of the leading Wall Street contenders for an economic policy post in a future Clinton administration.”

And of course the premier guest list included …

“Lobbyists and corporate representatives flooded the city, where much of the Democratic Party’s elite — and potential senior members of a future presidential administration — had gathered.”

Lots and lots of PRIVATE parties to attend …

“The railway giant CSX brought in old railroad cars for a reception led by Rodney E. Slater, the former United States transportation secretary turned lobbyist. At the Loews Hotel bar on Tuesday night, old Clinton hands, some now working as lobbyists, caught up with Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia, a longtime family friend and one of the party’s most prolific fund-raisers.”

Partying and doing business – gearing up for the Clinton Administration!

How dare anyone criticize them? Who is this trouble maker Libby Watson?

“It’s business as usual,” said Libby Watson, who monitored lobbying events in Philadelphia on behalf of the Sunlight Foundation, a group devoted to government transparency.”

BUSINESS AS USUAL; of course, why not? Stop complaining!

“The biggest players gathered at the Ritz-Carlton, where a line of sport utility vehicles and limousines deposited waves of men in suits but no ties and elegantly dressed women bearing expensive handbags.”

“At first-come-first-served seats near the bar, assistants huddled around lengthy spreadsheets, figuring out which donors were entitled to which passes to which events …… two stocky men could be heard debating the merits of the different ambassadorships they hoped to earn under Mrs. Clinton. Even a low-ranking posting meant having “ambassador” on a child’s wedding invitation, the two agreed, and would be helpful in wrangling invitations to sit on corporate boards.”

There is so much BUSINESS to fit into just 4 days in Philadelphia!

“Mary Pat Bonner, a gatekeeper to many prominent liberal donors, chatted with her most important client, David Brock, the founder of a cluster of outside groups that has raised millions of dollars to help elect Mrs. Clinton.”

“Longtime Clinton friend and fund-raiser Maureen White strode through the lobby, just missing Rajiv K. Fernando, the Chicago securities trader and Clinton donor. Nearby were Heather Podesta, the Democratic lobbyist and Clinton fund-raiser, and Philip D. Murphy, the former Goldman Sachs executive and ambassador to Germany …..”

And round and round and round it goes and where does it STOP …

Next STOP is the Clinton White House where the rich and powerful Democratic Party Elite will pick up their Goodie Bags filled with Ambassadorships, high level govt. jobs, special business deals, invitations to State Dinners, rides on Air Force One and most of all ACCESS – that is what counts the most – the rich and the powerful have it down perfectly …

All they need is ACCESS other Americans don’t have to make them richer and more powerful and make sure the right people get elected President.

Welcome to the Convention and the nation of Hypocrisy – both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton live in along with Donald Trump and Republican Elite.

They all live and thrive there together. Sorry, you are NOT invited!

Arthur-Piccolo-ObamasAmericaAbout The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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