Donald_trumpBy NAN Contributor

News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Weds. Feb. 22, 2017: The US’ 45th President has one Caribbean nation in his sight amid reports that some 100 nationals from that country have made the trip from to Syria to pledge allegiance to ISIS/ISIL.

Donald Trump recently spoke to Prime Minister Keith Rowley of oil rich Trinidad and Tobago to reaffirming a strong security partnership and agrees to continue close coordination in the fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime.

Trump invited Rowley to visit Washington, D.C., in the coming months.

The New York Times today reported that “American officials worry about having a breeding ground for extremists so  close to the United States, fearing that Trinidadian fighters could return from the Middle East and attack American diplomatic and oil installations in Trinidad or even take a three-and-a-half hour flight to Miami.”

Former US Ambassador to Trinidad John L. Estrada was quoted by the Times as saying that per capita, Trinidad supplies more fighters from the West than any other country to join ISIS.

“Trinidadians do very well with ISIL. They are high up in the ranks, they are very respected and they  are English-speaking. ISIL have used them for propaganda to spread their message through the Caribbean,” he was quoted as saying.

Trump has made it clear that he is focused on terrorism and the US Embassy announced Tuesday that The United States is providing Trinidad and Tobago with assistance in combating money laundering and terrorism financing. .




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