By Arthur Piccolo

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Aug. 16, 2019:  Do I need to tell anyone that WAR takes many forms?

 What is taking place in Hong Kong is WAR and it is about so, so much more than just Hong Kong and its future. This is the War of the Worlds!

We are ALL Hong Kongers or should be!

Let us all sing along with the Hong Kong FREEDOM fighters …

Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men & women.

It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again.

When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a life about to start when tomorrow comes.

The many thousands of protestors filling Hong Kong’s airport this week sang this most famous anthem from Les Misérables. So appropriate …


Back in China’s capital, The Monster of Beijing, the most dangerous person alive today, the so-called President Xi Jinping or more to the point, the Dictatorial Boss of the so-called Communist Party, seethes, wanting so badly to CRUSH these rebels.

In fact, they are the ultimate challenge to this punk’s dream to subjugate all Chinese, including Hong Kong and Taiwan, under his brutish rule in which the economy will flourish and some become very, very rich just as long as the Chinese people allow themselves to be brutalized with NO freedom of expression, NO rule of law, NO elections. NO opposition.

Welcome to ….

Xi’s ORWELLIAN world that he wants to ensure rules over not only China forevermore, but he is now trying to export all over the world.  A “vision” (sic) that other thugs who control so any countries embrace with glee.

Look at me Xi Jinping and what I have done; you can do the same. Democracy and freedom and real elections a free press, a fair legal system are stupid old concepts. This is the Brave New World where the few will control everywhere and everything. DOWN with America and its stupid system.

2019 is the 50th anniversary of our Moon Landing, Woodstock, Stonewall, and the massacre at Tiananmen Square, Beijing, China, when the Chinese goons, known as the Chinese army, slaughtered hundreds of Chinese men and women in the Square protesting repression and seeking freedom.

What has changed in 50 years? The Chinese regime under Xi is now far more powerful today, and with tools for repression way beyond anything that was available to them back in 1969, and next year, and each year after, technology will provide Xi and his thugs even more powerful tools.

So what is President Trump and his Administration doing to support the Hong Kong FREEDOM fighters? Nothing at all. If Xi brings in the tanks and the troops to CRUSH this rebellion what will Trump do?. Probably nothing.

In “fairness,” the United Stars did nothing back in 1969 when the infamous Richard Nixon was President and when the Chinese thugs were able to brutally crush the Beijing FREEDOM fighters with NO consequences.

What is holding Xi back from crushing the Hong Kong rebellion is that he is not sure the result will be as tame because of the cowardly mistake the rest of the world made back in 1969. Xi is not even sure Trump would sit idly by, not because Trump cares about the FREEDOM fighters ….

But rather to punish Xi for not making a trade deal with him. And what about all the Democratic Presidential candidates who have said almost nothing in support of the Hong Kong FREEDOM fighters????

These Pander Bears are mostly silent because all they are concerned about is trashing Trump for using tariffs as a weapon against China and to say anything negative about Xi might be interpreted IRONICALLY by the far left primary voters, they are desperate to attract as being pro Trump.

YES you are correct, or I hope you are, in appreciating what incredible HYPOCRISY that is from both the Democratic candidates and the far left of the Democratic Party, “best” (sic) exemplified by the famous AOC …..

Check for yourself and do a news search on “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez And Hong Kong.” Know what you get on Google? NOTHING re Hong Kong + AOC. Lots and lots of AOC but nothing about Hong Kong and AOC.


If you don’t know why, let me repeat what I wrote above and quoting myself.

“These Pander Bears are mostly silent because all they are concerned about is trashing Trump for using tariffs as a weapon against China and to say anything negative about Xi might be interpreted IRONICALLY by the far left primary voters they are desperate to attack as being pro Trump.”

The rest of us should not and must not be SILENT!

Again, what is taking place in Hong Kong is a MAJOR battle in the WAR OF THE WORLDS.  Either a world and most countries in the future defined by individual freedoms of speech, press and religion, and open legitimate regular elections, a real judicial system and constitutional protections OR …

XI’S WORLD of repressive, brutal, authoritarian regimes all over, ruled over by STRONG men aka thugs who rule by force like Xi. And all of them led by China with advanced technology tools like face recognition, voice monitoring, cashless societies, spy cameras and satellites, brain washing and torture techniques that would make Hitler and Stalin look like amateurs.

RIGHT NOW, the U.S. should be listing the actions our government will take if Xi sends in Chinese troops to CRUSH the FREEDOM fighters.

And we must sing with our Hong Kong sisters and brothers …

Do you hear the people sing? Singing the song of angry men & women. It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums. There is a life about to start when tomorrow comes.

This is indeed the WAR OF THE WORLDS. Time to take sides!

 (This series dedicated in honor of the late Liu Xiaobo & Jamal Khashoggi)


EDITOR’S NOTE: About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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