“Donald Trump is My Man”

By Arthur Piccolo

 News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Feb. 10, 2017: Donald Trump’s favorite team won* the SuperBowl.

* WRONG ! And …..

They deserve the name PATRIOTS as much as Donald Trump does. We are all victims of the NEW UN-patriotic Trump Administration.

The New England Patriots and  Trump have much in common. They are both very lucky and morally corrupt. Trump would make a “good” owner for the Patriots and Patriots owner Robert Kraft, head coach Bill Belichick and Quarterback Tom Brady, would all do very well in Trump’s White House. Indeed all three are dedicated Trump supporters.

What is clouding this happy relationship is that some of the Patriot players will refuse to visit The White House if called to be honored by Donald Trump for winning* the SuperBowl. That could prove dangerous for the missing players. Trump may decide to ban them from the United States as in need of extreme vetting;  as bomb throwers for insulting Donald Trump.

Then there is the Stephen Curry and Under Armour owner Kevin Plank matter since we’re talking sports this episode in Trump’s America. Sports may become one more spreading virus for the Donald Trump White House.

Famous athletes and others refusing to have anything to so with Trump! Ironically that may be better for Trump with his base of sycophants.

Let’s begin this brief initial exploration of sports and The White House by dispensing with the  “alternate fact” – the New England won* the SuperBowl. Wrong. The Atlanta Falcons LOST the SuperBowl with the worst collapse in SuperBowl history. Maybe in all of sports history!

There is no plausible reason any team that makes it to the SuperBowl would allow 31 unanswered points to be scored against them and after having a 25 point lead. Previously the largest lead any SuperBowl team has blown and lost the game was 10 points in all of the 50 previous SuperBowls.

There is a very specific comparison here – to the Presidential election that made Donald Trump President Donald Trump. The Clinton collapse!

The Atlanta Falcons have as much credibility as Hillary Clinton who LOST to Donald Trump after she had a huge lead in the polls. Donald Trump did not win the Presidency. Hillary Clinton LOST.

Donald Trump got to run against a pathetic opponent just like the Atlanta Flacons proved to be. NO other team in the NFL, not even the worst team – the Cleveland Browns, would have lost that game after being up 25 points in the 3rd quarter.

Likewise, as I keep writing about Clinton, because the lesson must never be lost and always remembered for the future – any other Democrat, any other Democrat would have beaten Donald Trump. Only because the so called Democratic Party “leadership” is so morally corrupt, this Clown Hillary Clinton was able to STEAL the Presidential nomination. That she was able to STEAL the nomination from Bernie Sanders who had his campaign undermined by Clinton supporters, the so called Democratic “leadership.”
Did I say STEAL? That brings me right back to Donald Trump’s favorite sports team – the New England so called Patriots. Bill Belichick and Tom Brady have no problem at all STEALING games, by deflating footballs or listening in on their opponents’ private communications during a game.

And they are real “good” at LYING about the truth, just as Bill Belichick and Tom Brady did with strong support from owner Robert Kraft, about deflating footballs –  which makes them very appealing to Donald Trump who views the truth as a dangerous disease and very much favors “alternative facts.”

So have no doubt – owner Robert Kraft, head coach Bill Belichick and Quarterback Tom Brady can’t wait until they get the call to come to The White House to celebrate their SuperBowl win* (Atlanta’s loss) with their #1 fan – the President of the United States. What a Joke!

There is just one problem – make that THREE so far and probably more by the time they reach The White House. Three players on the so called champion Patriots have announced they won’t go as a protest against Trump. There are no previous example of star athletes refusing to go to The White House to be honored because they are protesting against the President.

That puts President Donald Trump in perspective, even though ironically, his misguided base will demonize these players for doing so and we can only imagine what horrible things Trump will Tweet about them as NO shows.

Then there is basketball super star Stephen Curry, inspired by his fellow professional athletes, who stepped up the anti-Trump protest in response to the founder of the company Curry is most associated with – Under Armour billionaire CEO Kevin Plank, who called Trump a “real asset” for the U.S.

To which Stephen Curry brilliantly replied, he agrees with Plank IF ….

“You remove the ET from asset.” Amen.

So much for these so called Patriots and THEIR like minded President.

Arthur-Piccolo-ObamasAmericaEDITOR’S NOTE: About The Writer: Arthur Piccolo is a professional writer and commentator and often writes about Latin America for New Americas.

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