By Felicia J. Persaud

One of the major points that struck me as I caught some of the Robert Mueller testimony on Wednesday, July 24, 2019, were the number of lies that the special prosecutor said were either told to him or proven to be lies.

In fact, the report paints a picture of lies and deception by the Trump team and Mueller, when pressed by Congressman Adam Schiff, even admitted that some of the answers submitted by the President to his questions were proven to be lies.

Additionally, what was reiterated on Wednesday was that numerous Trump associates lied, including Paul Manafort, Rick Gates, Michael Cohen and George Papadopolous, while Manafort encouraged others to lie and the entire Trump campaign lied to cover up their dealings with Russia, a hostile foreign adversary, during the 2016 campaign.

Which got me to thinking about whether Donald Trump, who has made scapegoating immigrants the central team of his Kool-Aid campaign to blind racists from what he is really doing, would even qualify for U.S. citizenship as many immigrants must do.

One of the major eligibility requirements for immigrants to qualify for naturalization as a citizen of the United States and then earn the right to vote, is that one has to “be a person of good moral character.”

The laws further state that one must be “… attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well-disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States during all relevant periods under the law.”

Sounds to me like El Trumpeto and his friends already failed!

But let’s dig deeper still. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services goes on to explain this requirement further by stating that under the law, examples of a lack of good moral character includes “Lying.”


As USCIS states: “If you do not tell the truth during your interview, USCIS will deny your application for lacking good moral character. If USCIS grants you naturalization and you are later found to have lied during your interview, your citizenship may be taken away.”

Can we apply this law to El Trumpeto and his friends please Mr. Mueller, Congress, anyone?

But wait, there is more. The U.S. CIS further states that other examples of a lack of good moral character includes:

• Any crime against property or the government that involves “fraud” or evil intent.

• Persecution of anyone because of race, religion, national origin, political opinion, or social group.

•Any crime against a person with intent to harm.

So there goes. Those are the facts and the laws immigrants must abide by.

Now you be the judge? Would Donald Trump and his cronies reach the bar they place on immigrants in qualifying for U.S. citizenship? Perhaps we need to apply the same standards to the Office of President of the United States.

Oh wait, there are those bars or at least there use to be… until now!

Can you decide whom we need to now “send back” and whom we need to keep?


The writer is publisher at NewsAmericasNow

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