JFK-NY-airport-arrivalsNews Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Fri. Dec. 29, 2017: There has been a significant decline in Caribbean nationals visiting the U.S. in the months since Donald Trump has been President.

Data from the US’ National Travel & Tourism Office, analyzed by News Americas, show that there has been a whopping 15 percent decline in arrivals of Caribbean visitors to the US from last year through this November.

That’s just 357,000 arrivals compared to almost 411,000 for 2016.

The top three main purpose of their visit remains holiday, visiting relatives and friends and business. Many also rented cars and were active shoppers and sightseers. The majority arrived in Florida.

US travelers to the Caribbean, however, accounted for 10 percent of the region’s market share or over 6.1 million.


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