News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. May 18, 2018: Award-winning Dominican actress, Laura Gómez, is set to be honored in NYC next week.

Gómez, who plays the role of Dominican inmate Blanca Flores in the Netflix original hit series, ‘Orange is the New Black,’ will be presented with the Annual Achievement Award by the Dominican Film Festival in New York at the “1,000 Friends of the Dominican Film Festival Spring Soirée” at Castro Bar & Lounge in Manhattan, NY.

Gómez started her journey as an actor in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic and trained professionally in NYC where she’s been living for over 15 years.

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Gomez is an actor, writer and director who has also starred in several short films, including ‘To Kill a Roach,’ winner of the Technisphere Award for Outstanding Achievement at New York University and ‘Hallelujah.’

Gomez has also starred in the HBO mini-series, ‘Show Me A Hero,’ the movie ‘Daughter of God,’ starring Keanu Reeves.

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