By Chef Winston Williams

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. June 23, 2022: It’s the 16th annual Caribbean American Heritage Month. Here is a recipe that will have you cooking like a pro this CAHM. It’s Banana Fritters With Chocolate Rum Sauce.



2 ripe bananas

2 tbsp milk

2 eggs

1 tbsp butter, melted

1 cup all-purpose fl our

3 tbsp white sugar

1 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

Oil, for frying

Chocolate Rum Sauce

8 oz semi-sweet chocolate, chips or chopped

4 oz evaporated milk, heated

1/2 tbsp dark rum (or more)


For Fritters

1. In a large bowl, mash the bananas.

2. Mix in milk, eggs, and butter until smooth.

3. Add fl our, sugar, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon into the banana mixture.

4. Fold in all ingredients.

5. Heat oil to 350°F. Drop a spoonful of batter into hot oil and cook until brown, about 3–8 minutes.

6. Drain fritters on a paper towel and serve with chocolate rum sauce (drizzle or dip).

For Chocolate Rum Sauce

7. Heat milk in the microwave; do not boil.

8. Pour in chocolate and stir until chocolate is completely melted.

9. Stir in the rum.

Bon Appetite

*Recipe from Publix Aprons Recipe

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