By NAN Staff Writer

News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Fri. Nov. 20, 2020: Some 7,192 Caribbean immigrants were deported by the Donald Trump administration in the past three years, an analysis of Department of Homeland Security data by News Americas has found. The most were listed as criminal immigrants.

However, the number pales in comparison to the first three years of the Barack Obama administration when a combined 18,613 Caribbean immigrants were deported as the US’ first black president earned the nickname, ‘Deporter-In-Chief.’ In 2009 alone, 6,785 were deported to the region by the Obama administration, followed by 6,000 in 2010 and 5,828 in 2011.

Here’s how Trump’s deportation stacked up for the Caribbean in the past three years:

The Dominican Republic received 1,985 of its nationals back in the three years, including 665 last year.

Fourteen hundred and ninety-seven Jamaicans were sent back over the three years, including 418 last year, a slight drop from 572 in 2018.

A whopping 910 were sent back to Guyana in the three-year period, with the most sent back last year – 474 over 319 in 2018.

Eight hundred and fifty-eight were sent to the Bahamas over the three years, including 320 last year, the most in the three-year period.

Haiti saw far less deported over the three-year period, with a combined 651 sent back, including 184 in 2019, the lowest of the three years.

Four hundred and ninety were deported to Cuba, including 136 last year.

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines had to accept back 197 of its nationals in the period 2017-2019, with the most, or 97, sent back last year.

One hundred and ninety in total Trinidadians were sent back to the twin island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago in the three years, with the most or 78, sent back last year.

One hundred and twelve were sent back to Grenada in the three years, including 37 last year.

Eighty-five were deported to Belize, including 29 last year.

Saint Lucia had to receive back 67 of its nationals who were sent back by the US between 2017 and 2019. Nineteen were deported last year.

Fifty-one were sent back to Dominica, including 17 last year.

Forty-six were deported to Barbados in the three years, including 18 last year.

Twenty-eight were sent back to Antigua & Barbuda in the three years, including 9 last year.

Twenty-five nationals from Saint Kitts and Nevis were deported by the Trump administration over the three-year period, including 19 in 2019.

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