
Venezuelan opposition activist is arrested by National Guard during a highway takeover in Caracas, on April 26, 2017. Thousands of people continue to protest in the streets of Caracas while Venezuela withdraws from the OAS in the midst of one of the greatest governance crisis in history. (Photo by Carlos Becerra/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images)

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY,  Fri. April 28, 2017: Here are some of the major stories in photos making headlines in the Caribbean and Latin America this week.






Attendees stand near a memorial during a vigil for Juan Pablo Pernalete, allegedly killed during a protest against Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro, in Caracas, Venezuela, on Thursday, April 27, 2017. Venezuela’s isolation grew Thursday as the European Parliament passed a resolution condemning the ‘brutal repression’ of protesters by state security forces, saying more than 20 people had been killed in demonstrations over the past month. (Wil Riera/Bloomberg via Getty Images.)












Traders protested peacefully against the Chinese products that Asian citizens trade in Colombia. The inscription on the coffin reads ‘The Colombian Trade Is Dying’. (Photo credit:LUIS ACOSTA/AFP/Getty Images)



















President Mauricio Macri of Argentina speaks during a working luncheon with President Trump in the Cabinet Room of the White House April 27, 2017 in Washington, DC. Trump is scheduled to meet with Macri throughout the morning and early afternoon to discuss a range of bilateral issues. (Photo by Olivier Douliery-Pool/Getty Images)














Haitian Foreign Minister Antonio Rodrigue (L) speaks during a joint press conference with his Dominican Republic counterpart Miguel Vargas Maldonado at the Foreign Ministry in Santo Domingo on Abril 27, 2017. (Photo credit: ERIKA SANTELICES/AFP/Getty Images)
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