
News Americas, New York, Fri. Oct. 9, 2020: Jamaican born David Smith, the former head of OLINT, was this week released from prison in the Turks and Caicos after 10 years.

The TCI SUN reported the release Wednesday. He reportedly completed both a six-and-a-half-year sentence which he received in 2010, and a concurrent 10-year sentence for money laundering which he was slapped with here in the US.

Smith had run a Ponzi scheme that milked thousands of persons, including Jamaicans, of cash estimated to have been up to US$200 million.

In August 2011, U.S. District Judge Mary Scriven sentenced Smith to 30 years in prison in Orlando federal court after Smith pleaded guilty to 18 counts of money laundering, four counts of wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering. And while he is free as his attorneys are appealing a decision against a request for his extradition to serve a consecutive 20-year sentence here for wire fraud, the TCI’s attorney general told the paper that the Jamaican will be taken back into custody if the US succeeds in its appeal for his extradition.

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