By NAN Staff Writer

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Mon. Dec. 7, 2020: Fresh from hospitalization for an apparent minor heart attack, a popular Caribbean-born comedian has been forced to now defend himself against allegations of domestic violence.   

Majah Hype, born Collin Nigel McPherson in Grenada, has been forced to take to Instagram Live to defend himself against allegations from his ex that he abused her while they were together.

Hype’s ex, Latisha Kirby Kirby, went public about her alleged ordeal on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2020, but did not identify her abuser.

However, following the leak of a sex tape she said was made 10 years ago, she did another video calling out the popular Caribbean comedian. She also implied that he faked the recent health scare that he experienced where he showed a photo of himself in hospital in Atlanta. Hype said after the post he had had a minor heart attack.

But Hype has declared that he is not a woman beater.

“I still have love for Kirby today,” he said, breaking his silence via Instagram to address the allegations from Kirby.  “I have no reason for that. I am not a woman beater and I never thought about being a woman beater.”

He also claimed he is the real victim. “I warning every man out there, don’t allow women to hit you, don’t let women subject you to being abused,” he said, stating that he was ashamed as a man.

While admitting that he did go through Kirby’s old phone because he was suspicious of her suspicions of him, he denied leaking any sex tape.

“I know Kirby has a son, no way in the world would I release any video of her in a compromising position, not only would it make her look bad, it makes me look bad,” he said.

Turning the tables on Kirby, Majah showed screenshots of conversations and images found on her phone, including one with a popular soca artiste, claiming he has to tell his truths.

Criticizing Kirby for airing her issues on Instagram, he asked: “What was your real motive? To get followers? If you were healing you would take the real actions to heal. Counselling and therapy is healing, that is what I am gonna get,” he said.

He ended his live with a reading of Psalm 23.

Kirby’s allegations have resulted in many of Majah Hype’s fans unfollowing him. He has lost over 100,000 followers already as some took to his Instagram and Facebook pages calling on him to get therapy and expressed disappointment in his behavior.

Even Caribbean singer Edwin Yearwood weighed in. The Bajan artist wrote on his IG: “As the day begins, let us all be that support and stand up against domestic violence. Let’s talk men, put aside the ego that makes you feel you have to hit a woman or mentally abuse her! The argument has started, yes men are abused and we want to speak out against all abuse, however, let us be real, women are dying or being disfigured for stupid things. A horn is never easy or disrespect, trust me, I’ve been there. I’ve cheated and disrespected before and I’ve had the same done to me. It is not worth it to beat up on our sisters, walk away! Blessings to all those women who are still afraid to get out, we love you!”

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