News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Thurs. Oct. 28, 2020: Haitians are slamming back on Twitter over a tweet by billionaire rapper and US Presidential candidate, Kanye West, that he is planning on helping to build a smart city in Haiti.

“Just to be CLEAR: WE ARE IN ENGAGED WITH HAITI’s GOVERNMENT to make a transformational INVESTMENT to bring JOBS, DEVELOPMENT, HELP SUPPORT LOCAL FARMERS and FISHERMEN and Build a new « CITY OF THE FUTURE » in a very beautiful country,” West tweeted on Oct. 27th.

His tweet follows a visit to the country in September.

But it was not welcomed by many Haitians. “Kanye grabbing land in Haiti but Haitian niggas buying jewelry n drip,” tweeted @ZoeyDollaz while @maj07_ added: “The president of Haiti makes me soooooooo sick. Why would he just give Kanye an island instead of making him….idk BUY IT and pour into the economy??!??!!”

 @Ereeka_xo tweeted: ” To all my Haitians, go home claim your land before Kanye gets there” and “He suddenly wants to take interest in Haiti, that’s odd. Where was Kanye when we were eating DIRT?!? Don’t be stupid folks.”

While @neikaaa_xo added: “Haiti has always suffered by the hands of corrupt government & people who continuously use it as a political playground for exploitation & neglect. The last thing I want to see is my country be used again for selfish reasons so respectfully, I think Kanye need to sit this one out.”

The Chicago rapper visited Haiti on September 25, where he was reportedly conducting business with Iranian American entrepreneur and investor Shervin Kordary Pishevar. West also recently appeared on the Joe Rogan Experience show on YouTube, in which he revealed that Haiti’s President was giving him and Pishevar a Haitian island to develop.

“We go to Haiti and the president gives us this island to develop; to make it a city of the future,” he said. “We’re gonna have the farmers and the people that live there take ownership of the land they have right now so when it raises in value, they all eat.

West also said that President Moise told him that the way he has done business with President Trump has been “so straight forward”, before touting himself as the best president that America would have for its foreign policy. “I’ve traveled more than any resident already,” he said.

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