News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, TUESDAY, AUG. 20, 2019: Here are the top news making headlines from the Caribbean and Latin America for this Tuesday morning August 20, 2019:

Caribbean immigrant Jodian Stephenson now faces up to five years in prison after pleading guilty Monday to arranging dozens of sham marriages for immigration benefits.

Caribbean roots NYC Public Advocate, Jumaane Williams, is among those lauding the firing of the cop involved in the Eric Garner case, Daniel Pantaleo.

Jamaican born Republican Scherie Murray will first have to win a primary challenge on June 23, 2020 to get a chance to take on AOC for the 14th congressional seat in NYC.

The European Union says it will reveal a new methodology for its anti-money laundering blacklist of third countries by October.

The UK now wants local government in the BVI to relinquish control of the territory’s financial portfolio in exchange for a £300 million loan guarantee.

Haiti’s inquiry into corruption at its embassy in The Bahamas has revealed “unacceptable situations” and “wrongdoing,” Haiti’s Foreign Affairs Minister Bocchit Edmond has said.

21-year-old Evelyn Hernández of El Salvador, whose baby was found dead in the toilet where she gave birth, has been cleared of aggravated homicide during a retrial.

21-year-old Evelyn Hernández of El Salvador, whose baby was found dead in the toilet where she gave birth, has been cleared of aggravated homicide during a retrial.

Thousands of Haitians are reportedly leaving Guyana at several unofficial crossings and entering Brazil the country’s Minister of Citizenship and Immigration says.

And the Indian cricket board has confirmed that a reported security threat to the national team is a “hoax” but said the Antigua government has been made aware of the “threat.”

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