News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Fri. Oct. 16, 2020:  Forty-four women have now been killed on the twin-island Caribbean Republic of Trinidad and Tobago this year.

The 44th victim is a 23-year-old woman whose partially clothed body was found in Santa Flora. Tenil Cupid’s body was discovered by Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) workers who were visiting a site at around 3.35 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 13th with a wound to the head. She was a mother of three – two boys and a girl, the Trinidad Express reported.

The paper also said that over 150 women were killed on the island over the past three years, with 65 directly blamed on domestic violence.

This represents just over 42.2 per cent of the total number of women killed over this period.

Psychiatrist Dr Varma Deyal­singh told the Express that he believed the pandemic was making some situations worse, with many people having to work from home, many others who are unemployed, and all without the ability to visit usual places to “de-stress,” such as beaches, rivers and bars.

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