
News Americas, WASHINGTON, D.C., Thurs. June 11, 2020: With the recount and tabulation of the votes cast at the March 2, 2020 Guyana polls finally completed, the US Government is urging that the exercise process be completed quickly and credibly.

“The United States continues to stand for democratic values in the hemisphere. We look forward to a quick and credible conclusion to the vote recount in Guyana,” US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo said during a press briefing today.

The certified elections recount documents for all 10 districts have been delivered to Chief Elections Officer (CEO) Keith Lowenfield.

He must now tabulate those results and submit the final totals – along with a summary of the observations that were made during the recount process – to the GECOM Commission for the final declaration on or before June 16.

The recount exercise has shown that the 2020 General and Regional Elections were won by the main opposition Peoples Progressive Party/Civic, (PPP/C,_ with the party securing 233,336 votes while the APNU/AFC garnered 217,920 – a difference of 15,416 votes.

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