News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Dec. 14, 2020: A Caribbean born national is the new holder of the 2020 Miss Olympia Amateur title in the Women’s Figure category.

Jamaica’s Kristen McGregor won the competition after the week-long 2020 NPC Worldwide Amateur Olympia competition concluded in Orlando, Florida on Saturday, Dec. 19, 2020 according to Sports Max.

She finished eighth at the IFBB World Professional Championships in Tarragona, Spain from November 1-3, 2019. In 2019, McGregor also won the IFBB Diamond Cup in St. Maarten in July where she won her pro card.

“I have a mouth full of words that can express this journey but all I will say with such a journey and such an achievement is that any success takes 3-5 years to be successful and it’s not and will not be achieved on self, I or me but a team that is on the same vision and path as you,” she said on Instagram while thanking her team of coaches and support staff.

McGregor is a former track athlete and personal trainer, who holds a bachelor’s degree in Sports Science from the University of Technology.

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