This screen grab shows Kenny Anthony is still PM of St. Lucia.

By NAN Staff Writer

News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Thurs. June 9, 2016: Everyone knows things move slowly in the Caribbean but a full 39-hours after a new prime minister was sworn in, in the Caribbean island of St. Lucia, the website of the country’s Office of the Prime Minister was telling a different tale News Americas found.

At 5:17 a.m. on June 9, 2018, NAN staffers found that in the virtual world, Dr. Kenny Anthony remained “prime minister” of Saint Lucia.

Upon visiting the country’s government site at staffers were surprised to see the photograph of Dr. Kenny Anthony still listed as Prime Minister of Saint Lucia on the right side of the site.

Surprisingly, the site’s news section was current as of June 7, 2016 and did include a news item on the swearing in of the new Prime Minister Allen Chastanet of the United Workers Party (UWP), which occurred at 2 p.m. on Tuesday June 7, 2016.

Under the section “Prime Minister,” Anthony was also still listed as prime minister with his entire CV published for all the world to still see.

On the site titled, “Cabinet – Web Portal of the Government of Saint Lucia,” at the story was the same as well as on the House of Assembly site –

This came more than 39 hours after Chastanet promised to hit the ground running. Guess that did not include the virtual ground?

8:57 p.m. update: In apparent response to this story, the St. Lucia government has updated two of the sites except for






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