News Americas,  NEW YORK, NY, Fri. OCT. 11, 2019: Here are the top stories making news from across Latin America for the week-ending Oct. 11, 2019:

Youth climate activist Greta Thunberg is on the move again, setting sail for South America and Santiago, the Chilean capital where a UN climate change conference is planned for early December.

11 people have been arrested in southern Mexico after the mayor of their village, Mayor Jorge Luis Escandón Hernández, was dragged out of his office, tied to a pick-up truck and dragged through the streets.

Protesters in Ecuador are continuing to demand President Lenín Moreno step down with violent clashes continuing for a second week. “We’re going to fight until he leaves,” they say.

El Salvador this week began a mass trial of over 400 alleged gang members, including 17 purported leaders of the feared transnational crime group Mara Salvatrucha, or MS-13.

The countdown is on to Panama’s “Festival del Cristo Negro,” the festival of the “Black Christ,” set for oct. 21st in Portobelo, a city along the Caribbean coast of Panama.

And TV: Season 24 of “The Bachelor” is currently filming in Costa Rica. This season’s bachelor is Peter Weber — AKA “Pilot Pete,” because he’s a commercial airline pilot.

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