News Americas, NEW YORK, NY, Fri. Aug. 20, 2021: How did vaping go from a virtually unknown practice to one of the hottest consumer trends of the decade in such a short time? No one can say for sure, but there are several rather obvious reasons for the popular and economic explosion of the product niche. One has to do with pleasure and the other with safety.

Consumers buy things that make them happy. That’s just human nature, and as the technology behind vaping devices has matured, newer products offer an all-around experience that delivers the very best in flavor and aroma. Plus, users can avoid the potentially dangerous act of smoking, which is a huge advantage for anyone who wants to quit smoking cigarettes cold turkey. Here’s a summary of some of the key factors behind the recent massive growth in this business sector.

There’s No Smoking Stigma

Vaping is not smoking, and that one fact is perhaps the largest propellant behind the growth of the practice. In fact, consumers vape all kinds of substances, some of which are nothing more than harmless herbals, flavored substances, and sugared waters. In a way, vaping is close to eating or drinking an herb or a plant, not smoking it. The mere fact that the technology of vaporization is completely different than burning has sold millions of people on the practice. Now, the trend is worldwide and still finding new enthusiasts among adults of all ages.

Vaporizers Are Simple And Comfortable

The best offerings in the broad product category offer users a totally pleasurable experience. On the better vaporizers, air flow is easy and comfortable, heat can be controlled to suit the user’s preference, and some units feature taste controls for maximum enjoyment. Shopping is a no-hassle, online affair. People can look at niche leaders like the Volcano Hybrid Vaporizer for the ultimate experience, or compare prices and features on hundreds of other models. It’s no secret that advances in vaporizer technology has been a major part of the growth of the entire vaping business segment.

Flavors Make the Difference

If you’ve ever shopped for vaping products, you probably noticed the thousands of flavor mixes and combinations available. Consumers have their favorites, and currently there are about 10 flavored vape juices and essences that account for a majority of all sales. However, preferences vary by region, age group, and social background. No matter, it’s clear that the availability of so many choices is a big driver behind the trend. With all these choices it is important to know things like can you vape hemp oil, or other cannabis related products. Being misinformed can lead you to a bad experience, ruining your vape, or spending unnecessary funds on the wrong products.

Laws Are Changing Fast

Depending on who you ask, the main factor behind the social phenomenon is often said to be the rapidly changing legal environment. That’s because many consumers in cannabis-friendly jurisdictions choose to vape marijuana. In fact, as more and more locales vote for full or partial legalization, sales of vape-related devices continue to rise. And, while a few restaurants and movie theaters don’t allow people to vape on the premises, they’re in a minority, especially in the large urban areas where the trend is growing faster than ever. Expect the entire industry to continue expanding as national cannabis laws become more lenient.

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